Grow the QA team and offer tools for end-users

Iā€™ve read quite a few complaints about PRs not being merged in a timely manner or being ignored, but itā€™s not always because of company policy and some of the problems could be solved by putting in place a solid QA team.

  • Ideally, one QA person should be assigned to each component or app
  • The team should come up with easy ways to test a feature. A reporter may not have the skills to use git, patch, etc.
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One QA person per-app doesnā€™t scale well at a lot of apps. Thatā€™s also not taking into account that some apps get way more traffic than others.

Do you have any further ideas on your second point?

Thatā€™s actually a very good point. At ownCloud there is a proprietary self developed web app used by the employed QA team.

The platform basically allows you to select a branch / pull request and it starts a new docker container on the internet for you and within a few seconds you can access your test instance at {identifier}

I think it makes very much sense to build up something like that as well. But certainly as open-source, plus we need to make some more thoughts on who is hosting the platformā€¦ Whether everybody should have access, after all they can do all kind of mischief with the platform etcā€¦

Probably some kind of GitHub login like we have in the forum and a check whether the user is a member of the Nextcloud community would solve such a problem.


@LukasReschke OpenShift?

A person can be in charge of more than one app, but at least one person needs to be assigned to a supported component and track PRs.

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Oh, OK. You mean it should be someoneā€™s responsibility; not necessarily the only responsibility. Absolutely. Iā€™d argue that we should have 2-3 people on an app to get consensus and to work across timezones.

This could be done as a new iteration of the work I am doing for the per user demo for Google summer of code for owncloud. It is using kubernetes.

Just wanted to add that before we might duplicate work.


There is already a list of maintainers for each app and server component: