Fresh Install Errors

Got this error with a fresh install of nextcloud in a truenas server.
PHP does not seem to be setup properly to query system environment variables. The test with getenv(“PATH”) only returns an empty response. Please check the installation documentation :arrow_upper_right: for PHP configuration notes and the PHP configuration of your server, especially when using php-fpm.
Some app directories are owned by a different user than the web server one. This may be the case if apps have been installed manually. Check the permissions of the following app directories:

saw other post but got lost identifying the group the sample said should do this: chown -R “user:group” /usr/local/www/nextcloud/apps-pkg

part of the problem was fixed looking in the path /usr/local/www/nextcloud/apps for the user and group with ls -l and running:
chown -R “www:www” /usr/local/www/nextcloud/apps-pkg

now working in the other problem: PHP does not seem to be setup properly to query system environment variables. The test with getenv(“PATH”) only returns an empty response. Please check the installation documentation :arrow_upper_right: for PHP configuration notes and the PHP configuration of your server, especially when using php-fpm.

had commented out:
;env[PATH] = /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
;env[TMP] = /tmp
;env[TMPDIR] = /tmp
;env[TEMP] = /tmp

it did not work and also as the manual says:
clear_env = no


ok i give up for some reason things go back again and even nano gets uninstall by it self … any idea ?