Force Close Apps

why when I delete a file there is a force close?

How should it be possible to delete a file which is currently used/opened/locked by a different app etc. without forcing a close?

Case is
when i delete one of the say .pdf files. the file has been deleted successfully and is not in the list. then a few seconds later the application closes itself without any logcat on what line


this is the error (Logcat)

note: when I delete some file and apps close came out by itself.

@AGAM_TRANS In case you are using the latest stable release (3.14.3) please open an issue at Issues ยท nextcloud/android ยท GitHub else please update since Iโ€™ve seen the stack trace you posted which should be fixed already via a patch by @tobiasKaminsky but that has been shipped quite a while ago.

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