Focus leaves comment field on autosave

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Summary of the issue you are facing:

When I’m typing to-do’s (or any comments) in a Deck card, and the autosave triggers, my browser loses focus and I have to stop typing and move the mouse back over comments, click, and then continue. This will happen multiple times during my creation of a card.

Steps to replicate it (hint: details matter!):

  1. Create card
  2. Open card and start editing comments
  3. Pause briefly, long enough for autosave to execute.

Do others see this? Is there a solution? I’m using Brave for my browser.

I have the same problem and it’s really annoying. The behavior is the same in both Chrome and Edge.

As a regular deck user I cannot confirm.

My environment:
NC v30.0.5
Deck app v1.14.3
Browser Firefox v134.0.1

Interesting. I just tested in FireFox and still experience the issue.

What OS are you using?

@Jan-Philipp_Schmidtm, what OS are you using?

I am on macOS 15.2.
Just tested it on Win 11 on Arm as well using FF v133 and it works as well like exptected.

Any plugins / addons?

Win 10 and Win11 both have this issue for me. Sometimes it just works, sometimes it does not. Very frustrating.

Fair question. I have my password manager and React Dev tools. I opened both Brave and Firefox in private/incognito mode and they seemed to work (but, as @Jan-Philipp_Schmidtm indicated, this is not consistently an issue), so I’ll keep experimenting with that.

Early indications point towards the Bitwarden plugin being the cause.

But why?

However, I just turned the extension back on to test again while a dev console was open, and no issue with focus. Now I’m not as confident the culprit is the extension.

Does such extension has the functionality for field auto fill and auto type?
Not sure if this is related

There is an option to autofill fields, yes.

This morning, I was having focus issues in NextCloud and I disabled the Bitwarden extension. The problems went away.

I have not observed any problems with other websites/apps.