Hello. I hava a huge problem. After I updated to the latest version of NC on my server, al data is lost. I have a local windows PC which contains all data. I dont want to connect it to the new instalation because I am afraid that all will be removed from the cliente too (really important data).
I tried to backup the local data but it seems to be locked by nextcloud. Even after changing the data folder in NC config, no chance to copy. NOw the file-icons have a small X.
Any Idea what could help me???
I think if you stop the Nextcloud client you can copy the files. You get the “x” because of problems with synchronisations. Please note that Nextcloud is not a backup.
Maybe you can find on the linux server your files. Find names of files or for size use ncdu
. If you find them you can backup them.
Before proceeding, have you determined why this occurred? Because it shouldn’t.
I dont want to connect it to the new instalation because I am afraid that all will be removed from the cliente too (really important data).
This is a valid concern, though it depends a bit what you mean by “new installation”. The way that this is traditionally handled is by modifying the data-fingerprint
. See the documented Migration process here: https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/admin_manual/maintenance/migrating.html
Either way, I would not proceed without:
- Backing up your old Server: https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/admin_manual/maintenance/backup.html
- Backup your client device with the client app completely shut down
- Setting up automated backups of your Server
Thank you for your reply.
Even if i start the client again (it asks to connect to the server), no way to open. I guess on Windows the Network Connection is lost and the files keep locked.
To repeat what it did before: I completely reinstalled the server before installing the newest NC on that server. I made a Backup zippded, but the backup I made has a failure, it contains only a small part.
So, The only data I have now is on that Windows Client. All files on the client had a cloud icon and havent been accesible (although file size indicates that the complete file is physically present.) As I could not access any file (lock error on NC), I stopped NC Service on client, still nothing. I changed the config to another data directory, restart , and the result is that I still cant open, copy, move the files, appearing an X inside the Icon.
What happens if I now connect to Nextcloud Server? Will I Loose all files on the client?
Any chance to unlock the files in Windows? Can I uninstall Nextcloud on client?
I dont know how can I get access tyo that files on my client
Ouhhh ;( I guess there is no way to proceed …
The “old” instalation (really old version) has been overwritten. The backup I made from de /data folder was not entire, therefore I lost many files.
I did not backup the client, cause everything was on it… and still is somehoy. BUT there is no way to acces the files, client started or not, the files are locked in windows and I dont know how to unlock.
Maybe booting with a unix disk??? its so important to not loose these data
Oh. You were using Virtual Files (VFS) it sounds like. That means the files aren’t stored locally (on the the client) other than temporarily/on-demand.
OK. that illuminates a little. Thanx.
It means, then: files that had this clound haven´t been physically present. But the others having the “recycle” icon (two arrows) have been downloaded. I think then, that at least the downloaded files should be accessible after one succeeeds unblocking them, right?
Maybe that will work. But it would probably be better to search on the server first. Maybe the files are still there. The easiest way is to copy the files directly from the server.
Question? Is there any possibility to only change the FilesMode in config, then restart and hace the downloaded files accesible? Any idea?
virtualFilesMode= ???
The Server has been reinstalled completly. I can try to get a backup from the hoster if it exists… All files marked with cloud-icon arent on the disk. Its not possible to restore them
Change any value in congif does no thing.
Thank you for your help and input.