File synchronization stuck

Hi All,

Nextcloud Hub 9 (30.0.1)
Linux 6.6.32-production+truenas x86_64
PostgreSQL 13.1
PHP 8.2.24

The issue you are facing:

Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? (Y/N): Yes

Steps to replicate it:

  1. Simple nextcloud client usage on a W10 computer

The output of your Nextcloud log in Admin > Logging:

[no app in context] Erreur: Computed md5 hash is incorrect. POST /remote.php/dav/bulk

Files downloading begin all most well but decrease step by step to close to zero ko/sec in less than 1 minute and then the synchronization gets stuck. I have another PC connected on the same network to the same nextcloud server and it runs very well. Don’t know why this first computer gets this issue ?

May you please help me,

Thanks a lot in advance


Both windows, both the same NC client version?

With the webinterface you don’t see any problem?

All the same and no problem as well :frowning:

Both use a https/http connection? Anything different, Antivirus, Firewall?

Same user account, same type of files?

Not sure if the bulk is for many small files. Or if that is also on large files with where many parts are uploaded.

http because it’s in a LAN context. No differences at all. I just tried on a third computer and this runs like a charm. So I suspect it comes from a the hardware/OS itself, this is an old computer with a ton of migrations from w7 era…, so I’m going to upgrade it first and will see. Thanks for your support !

I have the same issue.

Nextcloud All-in-One on Windows 11
Nextcloud Hub 9 , (30.0.2)

And my client is Windows 10, Nextcloud Desktop-Client 3.15.0

You mean the md5-hash error? You also access via http? And other clients don’t have the problem?
On all files, or just larger ones? (small: < 5MB, large: >100MB)

Same. Sync works on one computer, stuck on the other one. A new issue. Client 3.15.0 stable. Here’s the debug log.

Thanks for asking!

Yes, the error is the same "no app in context Computed md5 hash is incorrect. "
and below some details

“app”: “no app in context”,
“method”: “POST”,
“url”: “/remote.php/dav/bulk”,
“message”: “Computed md5 hash is incorrect.”,
“userAgent”: “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows) mirall/3.15.0stable-Win64 (build 20241125) (Nextcloud, windows-10.0.19045 ClientArchitecture: x86_64 OsArchitecture: x86_64)”,
“version”: “”,

Since I only have two clients, one ios and one on windows 10 I cannot test much. So far it doesnt happen on the iphone but I am also not uploading tons of stuff there.
Afaik it occurs as soon as the windows 10 client tries to upload folders with lots of small file size jpegs (~30kb).

I could work around with disabling bulk upload.

forgot to add:
Uploading files via the browser worked but I also didnt upload as many as through the designated windows app.

This could be a bug, and might be an issue for the bug tracker. In any way, it would be very helpful to figure out what the failing systems have in common. And it would be great to exclude external factors such as firewall or antivirus software.

It seems to be mostly windows OS, however for @Stooovie it looks more like macOS or Linux?

Same error for me. Nextcloud Log: Computed MD5 hash is incorrect.
The client starts the sync process but stops uploading after a few seconds. It does not fail via web-upload. On the same computer with Pop!OS, it does not fail (virtual files enabled).

When I add one File, wait for upload, add the next File, the Client keeps uploading. So something with bulk uploading of many files fails. It did not fail for 70 files at once, but when I copied ~100 files into a sync folder, uploading failed.

Nextcloud Desktop Client: 3.15.1, virtual files enabled, via https
OS: Windows 10, 22H2
Nextcloud Server: 30.0.4
Server-OS: Debian 12
PHP (fpm): 8.2.26

There was an older topic:

If you started to experience the problem with desktop client 3.15.x, I’d rather create a new issue on the bug tracker.