Federation share curl timeout

I have two nextcloud servers. One is hosted by an external party (A) and one is hosted at home which is the nextcloudpi installation (B).

Now I have a folder shared from server A to Server B which is called SharedFolderOnServerA. When I log in to server B and upload a large file to SharedFolderOnServerA I get a curl 28 time out error. I ran php -i on server B and max_input_time => -1, max_execution_time => 0

Any ideas on how to fix this?

What do the logs on ServerA say?

Can’t see. But my provider talks about a php-fpm installation having a to short time out duration for fast-cgi? Somewhere there must be a time setting on 30sec, right? Can it have something to do with Guzzle?

Got the same issue running NC 22.1.0 with docker-compose and php fpm container during a big file transfer from a federated instance on a “slower” line.
Expecting also a Guzzle issue.

Q: how to manipulate the curl timeout? (with docker-compose)

Are there any developments on the topic? I am using Nextcloud 21 with docker-compose and PHP-fpm container.

This is also my problem for quite a while now. The remote host cannot download my shared books (about 60 - 70MB) on a slow 5Mbps network without getting a 30000 milliseconds timeout. It is so frustrating.

Same issue on my side.

The problem is listed on github, but there is currently no development about it :frowning: :