Federated User with port# at the end of the address does not work with circles

Dear All,

im running a NextcloudPi behind a Fritzbox. In order to have it accessible from the Internet portmapping is enabled.

I can add a federated user like <user@xxxx.myfritz.net:#portnumer> for sharing within a hosted nextcloud instance and do have access to the shared objects within the PI nextcloud instance behind the fritzbox. So thats fine.

Next step is to create circles. Adding a user in the form of <user@xxxx.myfritz.net:#portnumer> is not supported by the circles app.

However, without the portnumber the user cannot be found (obviously).
Is this a known problem? Any workaround you would suggest?

Brgds DerBusIsVoll

Seems this topic has no attention.

Is the problem listed a bug or a feature? Anyway, will file a bug report on github …