Feature Request - Internal sharing via link

i am missing a feature to share internally via link.


  • share file/folder via link
  • the link only works for people with an account on the nexcloud instance

When Sharing, there is an Internal link option.


but how is “people with access to this folder” defined?

i want to share with any user of our nextcloud instance with a link without adding people manually to the folder.

If you want to share a file with every user of your instance, without manually adding them to the share, you have two options (in my opinion):

  • Add all users to a group and share the folder with this group
  • Add all users to a group and use a group folder

I don’t think there is a way to allow this without adding all users to a group.

i duplicated pReya's post...

There used to be this app called “Circles” which to me seemed to define groups, and then share with groups.

I can’t find it 1-2-3 anymore, but it made me realize you could define a group and (manually…) add all users (or have a script monitor that for you).

After that a file (or other resource) can be shared with the group. You can set up mentions (at least by mail, probably other means) in case you receive a share.

All in all you should be able to get quite close to your goal, even if it is not an https://my.nextco.ud/aA#OUf7o/ link that you can put in an email.


I am not really looking for a workaround :smiley:
I just think this could be a useful feature for Nextcloud. Where is the right place to make a feature request?


Ah! The thread title says so, I think your initial post threw us on the wrong trail:


I think Microsoft’s Github is the right place for that