Failed using nextcloudcmd command

Hi, i using:
Nextcloud version; 3.0.1stable-Win64 (build 20200828)
Operating system: Windows 10 Home

Sorry, i write in spanish…

Estoy tratando de crear una “Tarea de Mantenimiento” para subir un archivo (sincronizar) cada noche desde una carpeta local cualquier, hacia una carpeta en mi cuenta de Nextcloud.

La idea es realizarlo con un BAT o similar, por línea de comandos, ya que dicho proceso se ejecutará en una PC propiedad de terceros.

Se trata de una tarea de mantenimiento (backup) en modo sigiloso.

Aquí el comando:

nextcloudcmd -u myUserName -p myPassword C:\myLocalFolder

Primero y antes que nada: el comando se encuentra correctamente realizado? mínimamente se espera que tenga esos valores para la tera mencionada?

Verdaderamente, hay que utilizar el comando --silent porque es asombrosa la cantidad de información que luego comienza a salir en pantalla…
De todas maneras, el tema es otro. Se trata del siguiente error:

09-24 18:23:56:275 [ warning nextcloud.sync.engine ]:   ERROR during  csync_update :  "Permission denied. Error transferring backups/NGE/remote.php/webdav/ - server replied: Method Not Allowed"
See view all output...
09-24 18:21:47:940 [ info nextcloud.sync.accessmanager ]:       2 "" "" has X-Request-ID "35ca756c-8ed1-45a8-953f-3d53f85f99b6"
09-24 18:21:47:961 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob ]:  OCC::JsonApiJob created for "" + "ocs/v1.php/cloud/capabilities" ""
09-24 18:21:49:604 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob ]:  Redirecting "GET" QUrl("") QUrl("")
09-24 18:21:49:617 [ info nextcloud.sync.accessmanager ]:       2 "" "" has X-Request-ID "0f705f81-1c1d-42a5-a134-ba5745e0ad6f"
09-24 18:21:50:179 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob.jsonapi ]:  JsonApiJob of QUrl("") FINISHED WITH STATUS "OK"
. . .
09-24 18:21:52:924 [ debug default ]    [ main::::operator() ]: Server capabilities QJsonObject()
09-24 18:21:52:930 [ info nextcloud.sync.database ]:    Detected filesystem "NTFS" for "C:/Users/Hernan/AppData/Roaming/nextcloudcmd/._sync_cc2f0831da61.db"
09-24 18:21:52:941 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]:      There are 208965640192 bytes available at "C:/keuken/next_pruebas/"
09-24 18:21:52:947 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]:      New sync (no sync journal exists)
09-24 18:21:52:951 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]:      "Using Qt 5.12.9 SSL library OpenSSL 1.1.1g  21 Apr 2020 on Windows 10 (10.0)"
09-24 18:21:52:960 [ info nextcloud.sync.database ]:    sqlite3 version "3.24.0"
09-24 18:21:52:963 [ info nextcloud.sync.database ]:    sqlite3 journal_mode= "wal"
09-24 18:21:52:979 [ info nextcloud.sync.database ]:    possibleUpgradeFromMirall_1_5 detected!
09-24 18:21:52:990 [ info nextcloud.sync.database ]:    Forcing remote re-discovery by deleting folder Etags
09-24 18:21:52:996 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]:      NOT Using Selective Sync
09-24 18:21:52:999 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]:      #### Discovery start ####################################################
09-24 18:21:53:004 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]:      Server ""
09-24 18:21:53:009 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.csync ]: ## Starting local discovery ##
09-24 18:21:53:013 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:       Checking for rename based on inode # 241629
09-24 18:21:53:016 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:       file: prueba.txt, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NEW <<=
09-24 18:21:53:021 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:        <= Closing walk for C:/keuken/next_pruebas with read_from_db 0
09-24 18:21:53:027 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.csync ]: Update detection for local replica took 0.018 seconds walking 1 files
09-24 18:21:53:034 [ info nextcloud.sync.csync.csync ]: ## Starting remote discovery ##
09-24 18:21:53:038 [ info nextcloud.sync.accessmanager ]:       6 "PROPFIND" "" has X-Request-ID "2fc2f836-d495-4dd3-a503-3c7ab710c99c"
09-24 18:21:53:045 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob ]:  OCC::LsColJob created for "" + "" "OCC::DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob"
09-24 18:21:53:585 [ warning nextcloud.sync.networkjob ]:       QNetworkReply::ContentOperationNotPermittedError "Server replied \"405 Method Not Allowed\" to \"PROPFIND\"" QVariant(int, 405)
09-24 18:21:53:609 [ info nextcloud.sync.networkjob.lscol ]:    LSCOL of QUrl("") FINISHED WITH STATUS "ContentOperationNotPermittedError Server replied \"405 Method Not Allowed\" to \"PROPFIND\""
09-24 18:21:53:627 [ warning nextcloud.sync.discovery ]:        LSCOL job error "Error transferring - server replied: Method Not Allowed" 405 QNetworkReply::ContentOperationNotPermittedError
09-24 18:21:53:640 [ warning nextcloud.sync.csync.updater ]:    opendir failed for  - errno 1
09-24 18:21:53:645 [ warning nextcloud.sync.engine ]:   ERROR during  csync_update :  "Permission denied. Error transferring - server replied: Method Not Allowed"
09-24 18:21:53:654 [ info nextcloud.sync.database ]:    Closing DB "C:/Users/Hernan/AppData/Roaming/nextcloudcmd/._sync_cc2f0831da61.db"
09-24 18:21:53:670 [ info nextcloud.sync.engine ]:      CSync run took  670 ms
09-24 18:21:53:674 [ info nextcloud.sync.database ]:    Closing DB "C:/Users/Hernan/AppData/Roaming/nextcloudcmd/._sync_cc2f0831da61.db"

Consulta aparte:
Antes, obtuve error de nombre de directorio porque los mismos tienen espacios en blanco entre medio. Para solucionarlo…
¿Se debe encerrar TODA la ruta destino entre comillas dobles o solo el directorio?

Ex.1:"my Remote Folder with spaces"
Ex.2: " Remote Folder with spaces"
Ex.3: ' Remote Folder with spaces' (singles)

Otra consulta…
¿Existe alguna manera de ocultar la contraseña?

Gracias por todo!
Saludos cordiales,