Failed update from nextcloud 9.0.51, db failed sql transaction

Hi all.
I’ve work instance of nextcloud. I want to update to version 9.0.55 or 10.0.2, but update failed with db error:

[details=Error code]Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\DriverException: An exception occurred while executing ‘UPDATE “oc_preferences” SET “configvalue” = ? WHERE (“userid” = ?) AND (“appid” = ?) AND (“configkey” = ?)’ with params [1484693237, “tur”, “user_ldap”, “lastFeatureRefresh”]:

SQLSTATE[25P02]: In failed sql transaction: 7 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
Update failed[/details]

[details=server config]nextcloud v.9.0.51
db - postgres v.9.6.1
PHP 5.6.29
OS - debian 8.6[/details]

[details=my config.php]<?php
$CONFIG = array (
‘instanceid’ => ‘ocwv8nip3l0d’,
‘debug’ => ‘false’,
‘passwordsalt’ => ‘T/kx8FaGucix2eGwDYwIU3H6DofLCN’,
‘secret’ => ‘jhxLOxJttdKYmxkuQa7lowdpla4u5RPgNXAxH8Eix9kaILab’,
‘trusted_domains’ =>
array (
0 => ‘my.url’,
‘datadirectory’ => ‘/var/www/nextcloud/data’,
‘overwrite.cli.url’ => ‘http://my.url’,
‘dbtype’ => ‘pgsql’,
‘version’ => ‘’,
‘dbname’ => ‘dbname’,
‘dbhost’ => ‘localhost’,
‘dbtableprefix’ => ‘oc_’,
‘dbuser’ => ‘dbuser’,
‘dbpassword’ => ‘dbpaaword’,
‘logtimezone’ => ‘UTC’,
‘installed’ => true,
‘ldapIgnoreNamingRules’ => false,
‘mail_smtpmode’ => ‘smtp’,
‘default_language’ => ‘ru’,
‘asset-pipeline.enabled’ => true,
‘maintenance’ => true,
‘enable_previews’ => true,
‘appstore.experimental.enabled’ => false,
‘activity_expire_days’ => 90,
‘updater.secret’ => ‘$2y$10$B0w3AxGt1TPpMGD2EJK9FeVAUIlBZpQMF46amIfxq.hR489viy9du’,
‘theme’ => ‘’,
‘loglevel’ => 2,

Do you have any idea?

@nickvergessen can you help? Should this go to the bugtracker?

I understand that developers either do not have time or the resources or desire to deal with this problem.
I understand if the problem is not repeated or can not be solved. But I have no feedback.

Developers often have no time to check all topics in the forum. You can report your issue on the bugtracker at: (try with 10.0.4 first if it solves your issue).

Hello @tflidd.
Thanks, I will try do it.