Failed Integrity Check after upgrade to 12.0.5 => 13

Please delete everything above when creating your topic and provide the following:

Nextcloud version (eg, 12.0.2): (whatever is latest as of today) => 13
Operating system and version (eg, Ubuntu 17.04): CentOS Linux 7.4.1708
Apache or nginx version (eg, Apache 2.4.25): Apache version 2.4.6
PHP version (eg, 7.1): PHP version 7.1.14

The issue you are facing:

Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? (Y/N): Yes, BUT I also had white screen after web upgrade on a different Nextcloud instance, different hardware, same OS/PHP etc.

Steps to replicate it:

  1. had latest (?)
  2. use web updater, got white screen after clicking Disable Maintenance mode.
  3. use “sudo -u office php occ upgrade” to do upgrade manually, all worked.
  4. integrity check error.

The output of occ upgrade:

[root@nextcloud public_html]# sudo -u office php occ upgrade
Nextcloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands                                                                                                                                                              are available
You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade
Set log level to debug
Turned on maintenance mode
Updating database schema
Updated database
Disabled incompatible app: drawio
Disabled incompatible app: external
Disabled incompatible app: files_accesscontrol
Disabled incompatible app: files_downloadactivity
Disabled incompatible app: quota_warning
Disabled incompatible app: spreed
Updating <federatedfilesharing> ...
Updated <federatedfilesharing> to 1.3.1
Updating <files_pdfviewer> ...
Updated <files_pdfviewer> to 1.2.0
Updating <files_texteditor> ...
Updated <files_texteditor> to 2.5.1
Updating <gallery> ...
Updated <gallery> to 18.0.0
Updating <password_policy> ...
Updated <password_policy> to 1.3.0
Updating <provisioning_api> ...
Updated <provisioning_api> to 1.3.0
Updating <serverinfo> ...
Updated <serverinfo> to 1.3.0
Updating <survey_client> ...
Updated <survey_client> to 1.1.0
Updating <twofactor_backupcodes> ...
Updated <twofactor_backupcodes> to 1.2.3
Updating <updatenotification> ...
Updated <updatenotification> to 1.3.0
Updating <federation> ...
Updated <federation> to 1.3.0
Updating <oauth2> ...
Updated <oauth2> to 1.1.0
Updating <files> ...
Updated <files> to 1.8.0
Updating <activity> ...
Updated <activity> to 2.6.1
Updating <dav> ...
Fix broken values of calendar objects

    0/0 [>---------------------------]   0%
Updated <dav> to 1.4.6
Updating <files_external> ...
Updated <files_external> to 1.4.1
Updating <files_sharing> ...
Updated <files_sharing> to 1.5.0
Updating <files_trashbin> ...
Updated <files_trashbin> to 1.3.0
Updating <files_versions> ...
Updated <files_versions> to 1.6.0
Updating <sharebymail> ...
Updated <sharebymail> to 1.3.0
Updating <workflowengine> ...
Updated <workflowengine> to 1.3.0
Updating <admin_audit> ...
Updated <admin_audit> to 1.3.0
Updating <comments> ...
Updated <comments> to 1.3.0
Updating <nextcloud_announcements> ...
Updated <nextcloud_announcements> to 1.2.0
Updating <notifications> ...
Updated <notifications> to 2.1.2
Updating <systemtags> ...
Updated <systemtags> to 1.3.0
Updating <theming> ...
Updated <theming> to 1.4.1
Checking for update of app activity in appstore
Checked for update of app "activity" in appstore
Checking for update of app admin_audit in appstore
Checked for update of app "admin_audit" in appstore
Checking for update of app announcementcenter in appstore
Update app announcementcenter from appstore
Checked for update of app "announcementcenter" in appstore
Checking for update of app apporder in appstore
Checked for update of app "apporder" in appstore
Checking for update of app bruteforcesettings in appstore
Checked for update of app "bruteforcesettings" in appstore
Checking for update of app calendar in appstore
Update app calendar from appstore
Checked for update of app "calendar" in appstore
Checking for update of app comments in appstore
Checked for update of app "comments" in appstore
Checking for update of app contacts in appstore
Checked for update of app "contacts" in appstore
Checking for update of app dashboard in appstore
Checked for update of app "dashboard" in appstore
Checking for update of app dav in appstore
Checked for update of app "dav" in appstore
Checking for update of app deck in appstore
Checked for update of app "deck" in appstore
Checking for update of app federatedfilesharing in appstore
Checked for update of app "federatedfilesharing" in appstore
Checking for update of app federation in appstore
Checked for update of app "federation" in appstore
Checking for update of app files in appstore
Checked for update of app "files" in appstore
Checking for update of app files_external in appstore
Checked for update of app "files_external" in appstore
Checking for update of app files_markdown in appstore
Checked for update of app "files_markdown" in appstore
Checking for update of app files_pdfviewer in appstore
Checked for update of app "files_pdfviewer" in appstore
Checking for update of app files_sharing in appstore
Checked for update of app "files_sharing" in appstore
Checking for update of app files_texteditor in appstore
Checked for update of app "files_texteditor" in appstore
Checking for update of app files_trashbin in appstore
Checked for update of app "files_trashbin" in appstore
Checking for update of app files_versions in appstore
Checked for update of app "files_versions" in appstore
Checking for update of app files_videoplayer in appstore
Checked for update of app "files_videoplayer" in appstore
Checking for update of app firstrunwizard in appstore
Checked for update of app "firstrunwizard" in appstore
Checking for update of app gallery in appstore
Checked for update of app "gallery" in appstore
Checking for update of app groupfolders in appstore
Checked for update of app "groupfolders" in appstore
Checking for update of app logreader in appstore
Checked for update of app "logreader" in appstore
Checking for update of app lookup_server_connector in appstore
Checked for update of app "lookup_server_connector" in appstore
Checking for update of app nextcloud_announcements in appstore
Checked for update of app "nextcloud_announcements" in appstore
Checking for update of app notes in appstore
Checked for update of app "notes" in appstore
Checking for update of app notifications in appstore
Checked for update of app "notifications" in appstore
Checking for update of app oauth2 in appstore
Checked for update of app "oauth2" in appstore
Checking for update of app ojsxc in appstore
Checked for update of app "ojsxc" in appstore
Checking for update of app onlyoffice in appstore
Checked for update of app "onlyoffice" in appstore
Checking for update of app password_policy in appstore
Checked for update of app "password_policy" in appstore
Checking for update of app provisioning_api in appstore
Checked for update of app "provisioning_api" in appstore
Checking for update of app rainloop in appstore
Checked for update of app "rainloop" in appstore
Checking for update of app richdocuments in appstore
Update app richdocuments from appstore
Checked for update of app "richdocuments" in appstore
Checking for update of app serverinfo in appstore
Checked for update of app "serverinfo" in appstore
Checking for update of app sharebymail in appstore
Checked for update of app "sharebymail" in appstore
Checking for update of app socialsharing_email in appstore
Checked for update of app "socialsharing_email" in appstore
Checking for update of app survey_client in appstore
Checked for update of app "survey_client" in appstore
Checking for update of app systemtags in appstore
Checked for update of app "systemtags" in appstore
Checking for update of app tasks in appstore
Checked for update of app "tasks" in appstore
Checking for update of app telephoneprovider in appstore
Checked for update of app "telephoneprovider" in appstore
Checking for update of app theming in appstore
Checked for update of app "theming" in appstore
Checking for update of app twofactor_backupcodes in appstore
Checked for update of app "twofactor_backupcodes" in appstore
Checking for update of app updatenotification in appstore
Checked for update of app "updatenotification" in appstore
Checking for update of app workflowengine in appstore
Checked for update of app "workflowengine" in appstore
Starting code integrity check...
Finished code integrity check
Update successful
Turned off maintenance mode
Reset log level

The output of your integrity check:

Technical information
The following list covers which files have failed the integrity check. Please read
the previous linked documentation to learn more about the errors and how to fix

- core
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- encryption
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- federatedfilesharing
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- theming
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- workflowengine
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- dav
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- nextcloud_announcements
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- files_trashbin
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- files_pdfviewer
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- notifications
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- files_external
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- user_external
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- systemtags
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- serverinfo
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- admin_audit
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- federation
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- files_versions
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- files_downloadactivity
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- onlyoffice
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- tasks
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- admin_notifications
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- files_texteditor
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- comments
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- activity
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- survey_client
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- oauth2
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- updatenotification
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- files_sharing
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- gallery
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- files
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- provisioning_api
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- password_policy
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- user_ldap
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- twofactor_backupcodes
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- quota_warning
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- announcementcenter
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- sharebymail
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.
- logreader
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Signature data not found.
- notes
		- OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
		- Certificate is not valid.

Raw output
    [core] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [encryption] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [federatedfilesharing] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [theming] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [workflowengine] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [dav] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [nextcloud_announcements] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [files_trashbin] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [files_pdfviewer] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [notifications] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [files_external] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [user_external] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [systemtags] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [serverinfo] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [admin_audit] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [federation] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [files_versions] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [files_downloadactivity] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [onlyoffice] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [tasks] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [admin_notifications] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [files_texteditor] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [comments] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [activity] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [survey_client] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [oauth2] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [updatenotification] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [files_sharing] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [gallery] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [files] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [provisioning_api] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [password_policy] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [user_ldap] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [twofactor_backupcodes] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [quota_warning] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [announcementcenter] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [sharebymail] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.


    [logreader] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Signature data not found.


    [notes] => Array
            [EXCEPTION] => Array
                    [class] => OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
                    [message] => Certificate is not valid.



I suspect this might have been from having a nearly full drive, after I manually copied the latest files over the top and ran upgrade it went ok. I would suggest adding a low space check before upgrade because it didn’t look like anything went wrong until the very end.