External Storage SMB Offline Availability


we are testing Nextcloud 10.0.1 on a Ubuntu 16.04 machine. We configured external storage and mount different smb shares from a Windows Server. This works perfectly as long as someone uses the “make offline available functionality”. This feature makes it possible to synchronize files from network shares with your local Windows PC. So you can work “offline”. If this feature is enabled, it is impossible to delete folders with Nextcloud.

To reproduce:

  • Mount a smb share via the external storage plugin

  • Make the smb share “offline available” on your local Windows PC

  • Create a folder with Nextcloud

  • Put a file into the folder with your Windows file explorer (simple .txt-File is enough)

  • Try to delete the created folder with Nextcloud

After that the smb share and Nextcloud get out of sync. Windows thinks the folder is still there. Nextcloud thinks the folder is deleted.

I have tried to recreate same thing with smbclient directly, but the folders deleted just fine. It seems that the process works differently with Nextcloud.

Today we upgraded to Nextcloud 11. Still the same behaviour.