External link of docx-files opened by default in Collabora and not OnlyOffice

I have both Collabora and OnlyOffice installed. When sharing a docx-file as an external link, the document is opened by default in Collabora, although I have ticked OnlyOFFice as the default program for docx-files in settings. If I close the Collabora I am offered the possibility to open the file in OnlyOffice.

When logged in as user and using the filebrowser the docx is opened in the correct editor.
Is this a bug? Where should I in that case report the bug - in the server, OnlyOffice or Collabora section?

I have the Same problem.

Nextcloud 17.02
Onlyoffice 4.0.0
Collabora 3.5.1


I have the same issue as descripted before.

Did someone have found a solution ?


For single public shares you can input the app in the path.


Sorry. I do not know actually the libreoffice-url. Perhaps the normal sharing url.
I posted an example some months ago with tab.digital but it is acually down.


It’s working yes thanks for purposition, but I can’t think about this workaround in production.

Sadly I think we have to disable one of there both services

I did’nt find how to manage de the priority betwenn Collabroa and Onlyoffice.