Error Message In Log

I’m seeing the following error message in my NextCloud (version 11.1) Admin logs and am not sure what it means or how I might fix the issue (if there is one):

Debug OC\Files\Cache\Scanner !!! Path ‘’ is not accessible or present !!!

Can someone help get me pointed in the right direction? Thanks.

Difficult to say, did you manually add/remove files or folders to the data-folder? Shared folders? External storage?

Can you relate this message with one user?

I have not manually added or removed any files or folders. I’m seeing the errors in the log when logged in as “Admin”. Thanks.

Since it is a debug message and if everything is working fine, I would not take it too serious for now. But still interesting.

Did you check, if occ files:scan --all works?

there is a reference for it in the bugtracker:

I mean to remember there were some fixes like this in the past, but I can’t find it right now. If you don’t have any problems, I would ignore them and check out if the next update fixes the problem.