Error message - Collabora Online is not setup yet

I downgraded too and now it works again. Thanks for the instructions. Iā€™ll try upgrading later when I have more time for it.

dear forumists,

this thread is a nice example of how important it is to give out informations about your instance.
like we donā€™t know if the threadstarter is running their instance as a dockerā€¦ or under UCS or whatever.
and then we do have solutions for docker and UCS. i mean solutions are great. in general. but as long as we donā€™t know anything about the setting(s) of threadstarter we canā€™t mark this one being solved.

and - btw - because we donā€™t know anything about the problematic instance of TS there canā€™t be any ā€œi have the same problemā€ā€¦ since it might not bei the same.

just sayingā€¦ and hopefully reminding you to stay to the code of conduct and nc-guidelines - as there are good reasons doing so.


I had to downgrade to version 3.5.0 to get it working again (docker). Any version between 3.5.0 and 3.6.0 was returning error message -

Failed to load Collabora Online - please try again later.

With version 3.6.0, had same issue as OP:

Collabora Online is not setup yet.
Click here to configure your own server or connect to a demo server.

Hi JimmyKater, guess its me that started this tread. Im running an CentOS 7 server in VMware. AND ofcource we all have the same problem since we all got the same error message, an error that came with that new releaase. Dosent matter if you are on docker or on a server, we all use the same software and the problem is within the software. And the tread is not resolved until ā€œnextcloudā€ releases a working version. BUT thats only my opinion.


doesnt equal docker in any way. and only because the errormessage seems to be similar it doesnā€™t need to be the same problem. like: there are many thousands of users not experiencing this behaviour. so ā€¦ it needs to be something which is apparently connected with your individual setup. a hint could be: your posted ā€œsolutionā€ apparently doesnā€™t help everyone here. but if it was the SAME error it had to be the solution for everyone.

plus: you filed your isse here under supportā€¦ and the very moment youā€™re opening a new thread under support youā€™re asked to fill out a template. which YOU completely removed, sparing any neccessary information about your instance on purpose. let me ask you: why did you do that? because you know it better than devs who implemented this template? or just to make it harder for peeps on the forum to find a valid answer quickly? just tell meā€¦

but heyā€¦ if you think itā€™s a bug in the code go to github and file an offical isse there. be prepared to 1. search for already existing similar issues and 2. after you made sure there is none 3. to give out all information youā€™re asked for by the template (hint: do install app issue-template to your server, itā€™ll be of great help).

thanks for your understanding and keeping to the guidelines and code of conduct of nextcloud. at least for your future postings.


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Thank You ā€¦ :+1:

Dont downgrade the app. You can find the solution here :

You have to change the config of nginx or Apache. You should best to do that because all next upgrades of collqbora will works with the new config.

For those who didnā€™t get it solved anywayā€¦
Iā€™ve disabled richdocuments app and installed WOPI one. Works fine and collabora is back! :relieved:

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There is no problem with richdocument. Collabora online had changed the configuration file of apache. So everything works if you update your config. Look at the link of my last comment, there is the solution :wink:

Thanks Marc, saved my tea break !

Today I bumped versions of nextcloud (from 18.0.0 to 18.0.6) and collabora ( from to and get this error message.

Do I need to do the same ā€œfixā€ as mentioned?

version: '2'
image: nginx
container_name: nextcloud_webserver
  - /data/disk1/nginx-nextcloud/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro
  - app
  - collabora
  - app
  - VIRTUAL_NETWORK=nginx-proxy
  - proxy-tier
restart: always

image: nextcloud:18.0.6-fpm
container_name: nextcloud_fpm
  - /data/disk1/nextcloud/apps:/var/www/html/apps
  - /data/disk1/nextcloud/config:/var/www/html/config
  - /data/disk1/nextcloud/data:/var/www/html/data
  - POSTGRES_DB=nextcloud
  - POSTGRES_USER=nextcloud
  - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=***************
  - proxy-tier
restart: always

image: collabora/code:
container_name: nextcloud_collabora
  - proxy-tier
restart: always

  name: nginx-proxy

I got it solved by enabling Nextcloud Collbora integration and then ā€œuse demo serverā€ and back to own serverā€¦for some reason it started to work again


As suggested by @Marc1721, I looked at issue 949 and especially this comment which suggest a better solution than downgrading : update the apache / nginx configuration if collabora is behind a reverse proxy (which is usually the case for the docker version).

  • for apache
# Capabilities
ProxyPass           /hosting/capabilities retry=0
ProxyPassReverse    /hosting/capabilities
  • for nginx
# Capabilities
ProxyPass           /hosting/capabilities retry=0
ProxyPassReverse    /hosting/capabilities

I only tested the appache configuration and it fix the issue.

To be fair, @bastien suggested earlier to update the apache / nginx configuration but did not give the lines and some people still seems to struggle


Actually, I have given a link link in my second comment. This is a link for another thread of this website where I gave the lines for nginx. There are also lines for Apache.

Id have To be clearer but I didnā€™t want to insist on this discussion that goes in all directions.d

I first used this solution:

Worked well for some month, until I installed a minor update to Nextcloud - it updated all Apps automatically - and the same problem was back.

I looked for a better solution. Found this:

Well, I really donā€™t want to change server config files, just because some Nextcloud app decides to work different now.

So I used the third solution:

That solved it for me - hope it survives the next updates.

To do it just search for ā€œWOPIā€ in the Nextcloud Apps section. Install that app.
Copy the Server-URL and Port from the Collabora app settings and paste it to the WOPI app settings (the app is called ā€œOffice Onlineā€ in the settings page instead of WOPI, but okā€¦). Then deactivate that Collabora/richdocuments app (they really have a problem with naming the appsā€¦).

You may need to reload Nextcloud in the browser after the changes, then it should be possible to open office files again.

WHY has this be so complicated? Nextcloud is a wonderful self hosted server solution which is easy to install and operate, but connecting Collabora just for opening office files (the most basic thing someone would expect from an own cloud server) is complicated to setup (own subdomain etc. even if all runs on the same server, extra docker containerā€¦) and then randomly stops working because an app gets updated (and never fixed). Onlyoffice is not better, there you can edit but not save back to your nextcloud serverā€¦

ā€¦ I dont have words anymore

You say

So, if edits are too complicated, maybe you donā€™t realize what means developments,upgradingā€¦
When nextcloud himself decide to change the config of Apache or nginx (to improve performance or security for example), you canā€™t say that. Itā€™s just normal. But its true that there is a problem of communication from collabora.

And collabora is not complicated to set up. With docker installation, itā€™s just 3 commands lines

I am sorry for that

ā€œnever change a running systemā€

it is quite complicated (compared to other Nextcloud apps), cause you need to set up the reverse proxy thing with an own subdomain just for collabora, plus an own ssl cert.

Nextcloud did an amazing job in how they made their software easy to set up and especially easy to upgrade. Very stable, upgrades in the browser just work, zero problems so far. But office suites are still painful to integrate. I tried Onlyoffice - did not save files back to my server, so unusable. Collabora: Works mostly, but from time to time those weird problems (ā€œyou upgraded my app, so I donā€™t find my server any moreā€ - even if all runs just on the same machine). Hopefully one day the office suite will come just integrated like a calendar or notes app - so that more any more people can leave their public clouds and can come to a self hosted Nextcloud.

I adminstrate a NC and I dont have a subdomain for collabora and ssl certā€¦ In the documentation, its clearly said that you should create your own subdomain but its not necessaryā€¦
Moreover, you dont need another certificate even with your own subdomain. You can create only one ssl cert which protect domain and all subdomains with wildcard rules.
ā€œSet up reverse proxyā€ -> you can use nginx, proxy is native.

There is a bug with onlyoffice. OO document server is very recent, be patient. I agree that one more time there is a problem of communication from NC. You can install OO community server, its more complicated but it works.

Actually, its normal that you need to install server and application for OO or Collabora. OO and Collabora are projects in its own right and are not developped by NC.
Moreover, its better to separate server from interface if you want to set up a big installation (you install NC on a machine and collabora/OO server on another machine just like BBB, Elementā€¦)
So, an application ā€œ2 in 1ā€ was secondary for NC. And, it is just started with OO in NC18 and collabora with NC19.

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