Error log entry produced by Caldav entry

Hi guys,

I noticed a error in my log that ever since NC 9 (maybe already since OC9), now I am using NC 10, is recurring and I am not sure what to do with this error. This error is produced just by one user and by the log I can not tell what causes it, except it is a calendar entry. How do I figure out what entry or behaviour of the user is creating this issue?

Thanks in advance for every hint.

Exception: {“Message”:“This recurrence rule does not generate any valid




‘90bfedc3-5fe0-4…’, ‘BEGIN:VCALENDAR…’)\n#3
‘BEGIN:VCALENDAR…’, NULL)\n#5 [internal function]:
call_user_func_array(Array, Array)\n#7
Sabre\Event\EventEmitter->emit(‘method:PUT’, Array)\n#8

I only found some reference to pre-9.0 setups. Since then the calDAV-stuff is completely new. I something broken for this user? A failed sync?

Is this error happening when the user opens the calendar app in Nextcloud -> report to
Does it happen when you access via CalDAV from a device ->

Thank you for your quick reply. As far as I know, the user works with two android devices and Thunderbird and not with the calendar App in Nextcloud. It might be that a sync is failing, but the user did not pass it by me. I have to investigate it a bit further until I open a issue. Maybe it is just the way how the user is adding his calendar events. He is not the most IT experienced one. :wink:

I just analysed this issue a bit more and figured that the a caldav sync android client caused this error. After removing the App and adding the account again to the client worked. Anyhow the client ignored all delete instructions or just refused to sync it to the server. Now it works and I can not see any new error entry at the moment. Thanks for the hint. :slight_smile: