Encryption doesn't work

Hi everyone,

I have activated the encryption under the current version 13.0.5 stable. If I upload a file and download it again, this file is not encrypted and can be opened normally with a click.

Can someone give me a hint?

You mean server- or client-side encryption? With the right client, you should always download the unencrypted file (for client-side encryption this is done by the Nextcloud client, which is currently only in a beta status, for server-side encryption everything is done on the server and therefore only designed to be secure on external storage outside your server).

Thank you very much. I have activated the default encryption module under the apps. Then I have selected the category Administration. But I didn’t get the message that the app is activated and that I have to log out and back in again. I can’t define a recovery key either.

What could be the reason?

Or should I reset the database?