Enabling weblate to localize apps


I would like to make it possible for app developers (including myself) to use https://weblate.org (as a replacement for transifex). For that purpose I need to find:

  • which script extracts the translated strings and creates the .pot file.
  • which scripts create the .js and .json files

Looking at the registration app .tx directory

host = https://www.transifex.com
lang_map = ja_JP: ja

file_filter = /registration.po
source_file = templates/registration.pot
source_lang = en
type = PO

It is managed by the Jenkins tx-robot user and it would be super useful to have access to the scripts to get started.

Thanks in advance for any pointers to get started :slight_smile:

We use this to generate the PO files which are uploaded to transifex

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For the record here are the Dockerfile & Makefile Iā€™m using to feed weblate for a NextCloud app.

Here is a detailed HOWTO to setup Weblate to translate a NextCloud app hosted on a GitLab instance: https://forum.enough.community/t/setup-weblate-for-the-nextcloud-app/31?u=loic