Embed Sharelinks Created via API

Hey folks,
i create sharelinks by POST to /ocs/v2.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares
headers : OCS-APIRequest = true and of course basic auth.
“shareType”: 3, // 3 = public link
“permissions”:1 // 1 = read
Response is:

<?xml version="1.0"?> ok 200 OK 15 3 admin@mystorage admin@mystorage 17 1 1 1629368239 XafDGE8bgDJ64F admin@mystorage admin@mystorage /my/path/filename.pdf file application/pdf home::admin@mystorage 3 357 357 348 /filename.pdf (Geteilter Link) https://my.domain.de/s/ASDRfC4FDWJ64F 1 0

When I embed that sharelinks url in a html tag or create a link with a target of a iframe it doesnt load. Ressource denied connection.
Why is that. Am I doing something wrong?