Email reminder alert for Calendar

hi, i found a post which said, email notofication for calendar is working. i don’t understand that. how is it working? i enabled mail for nextcloud successfully, but when i want to set an email reminder in nextcloud, i can put in the time but below there is the notification Email reminders have not been implemented in the CalDAV server yet, so none will be sent. - and indeed there will be no email sent at the set time. how it comes? are you still developing it? when it’ll work? or did forget another setting? i really do need that feature.

also it would be great i could edit the default notifications. so i don’t have to set the same notification again and again.


Indeed, this feature is highly appreciated!


please give me your answer

Hi there

I don’t understand - is this feature implemented? I can’t see where to set it up. I have set up email sending via sendmail and it says that test emails are sent successfully, but how do you set it up for calendar reminders?


For me it sounds like email notifications have been implemented in Nextcloud 17, see this for further details:

This feature is part of Nextcloud 17. Be sure to properly configure the cron-job. Otherwise reminders will only be send with a big delay.

Running Nextcloud 17.0.2 here and the feature doesn’t seem to be working. I get the same message when I select email notification in an event: " Email reminders have not been implemented in the CalDAV server yet, so none will be sent."

if anyone reads this, who took part at the development of this feature: thank you!
it works like a charme, even over dav when i am using the calendar-app etar for android. also the not -implemented-warning is gone in the stable version. great work.

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Thanks for your kind words, glad you like it !