Edit locally multiple questions / issues

I use Nextcloud AIO (currently that means using [Nextcloud Hub 8] (29.0.6)

I use the version 3.13.3 Nextcloud.NextcloudDesktop as the newer version is not able to edit any files locally…

so… unlike older versions of nextclou I’m not able to manually unlock files I edited locally.

is there a way to adjust how fast it becomes available to edit online again if someone opened a file locally?

also when I edit something locally it additionaly opens the file online after i finished locally.

  • is there any way to make the “edit locally” option the first / standard option for some filetypes?

  • is there a way to make “edit locally” available earlier in the list when right-clicking a file?

  • is there a way to automate the setup process of connecting nextcloud using only the virtualdrive feature? in a way that a user woul onlky need to once allow the app without clicking around and putting in his login info or domain?