Downgraded mail app from 0.7.5 to 0.7.4, code not compliant. Problem?

i run nc 12.0.4 and downgraded the mail app from 0.7.5 to 0.7.4.
0.7.5 was just TOO slow loading all the useless icons and userpix and i have no idea where it got them from.
the older versions runs ok, but i checked the code with with occ and it tells me this:

sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php /var/www/nc/occ app:check-code mail
Database schema error: Name of table *dbprefix*mail_collected_addresses is too long (24), max. 27 characters (21 characters for tables with autoincrement) + *dbprefix* allowed
Database schema error: Name of index mail_collected_addr_userid_index on table *dbprefix*mail_collected_addresses is too long (24), max. 27 characters + *dbprefix* allowed
Database schema error: Name of index mail_collected_addr_email_index on table *dbprefix*mail_collected_addresses is too long (24), max. 27 characters + *dbprefix* allowed
Database schema error: Name of index mail_attachments_userid_index on table *dbprefix*mail_attachments is too long (16), max. 27 characters + *dbprefix* allowed
App is not compliant

is this a problem? i really do not want to use the slow version again.
THX for your input!

Did you report the issue of the slow performance to the bug tracker:

During upgrades, there can be changes to the database but there are in general no scripts to do downgrades. The best solution is to use the tables from your backup before you run the update. If you don’t have a backup, you can try to scan for the code where the changes in the db were made and undo them manually. Or wait for fix of the current problem.

THX for your reply!
no, i did not report the issue because the reason just seemed just too obvious.
i do have backups but since the mail-app works w/out any problems i’d rather not fiddle around with the database-structure. i checked the log but it only has (minor) errors generated by the newer mail-version before the uninstall.
aside from the performance-issue, i think i consider this a privacy-issue - esp. since it cannot be turned off.