Don't manage to add WAN acces


I’m totally new with nextcloud and php stuff. Sorry if my issue is trivial.
Server configuration: ubuntumate 20.10 .
I managed to finish to installation of nextcloud on the LAN but I cannot connect from outside.
What I did:

  • install nextcloud with LAN parameters. Now I can acces it from IP/nextcloud when I’m on LAN.
  • forward port 80 & 443 to the server
  • set the dynamic DNS (I knows these steps work because I already use the server as ssh server)

Then I look for adding acces from the WAN (I found this page ), what I modify:

  • change /var/www/html/nextcloud/config/config.php by adding 1=> ‘mydynmaic.dns’ in trusted domain.
    If I go to mydynamic.dns/nextcloud it doesn’t work.
  • So I try to change Server_name in /etc/apache2/sites-available/nextcloud.conf and put ‘mydynamic.dns’ instead of ‘IP adress’. Then restart apache2. It doesn’t work.

Now I have no idea to solve this. When I look for similar problem I found always problems with port forwarding and dynamic DNS. In my case, I already use the server as an ssh server, so port forwarding and dynDNS are working.

Thank you for reading.