Does an image file get locked when opening it via the web GUI?

Nextcloud version (eg, 20.0.5): 21.0.4

Hi there,

I have a general question: Does an image file get locked when opening it via the web GUI?

Why I am asking this question:
We use nextcloud as file server software in our business software. Our business software uses the WebDAV interface to handle the files in nextcloud. A folder in the nextcloud should be moved by our business software but the nextcloud logged that the folder couldn’t be moved because a file (a jpeg-image) in the folder was locked. I am pretty sure that nextcloud clients aren’t in use and the image file was just opened in the web GUI. But for me it is not obvious to lock a file when it is just opened.


I have yet to see Nextcloud lock any file, even the Temporary Files Lock app never worked for me and I started with Nextcloud 20.