Docker-compose deployment onlyoffice doesn't keep file version history

Using the current official docker-compose file the installation ran smoothly, but onlyoffice doesn’t record file versions on the details tab interface.
The editor for .md files works perfectly and all other modules/apps as far as I can see.

Ubuntu 18.04
Docker 19.03.7
Not using SSL, internal test deployment
MariaDB 10.4.12
Nextcloud 18.0.1
Logs show no errors

Thanks for the help

Hi once again.

Is this working as intended or am I missing something?
Can’t really find the issue here after extensive search and the app seems to be running OK except for the file versioning/history with Office documents edited inside Nextcloud via OnlyOffice.
Seen some reports over at the OnlyOffice support forums but haven’t been very helpful.
Is someone able to shed any light on this issue or point me in some direction?

Thanks once more for any feedback.