Disable Quota Errors and Warnings


ist there a way to disable Eroors and Warnings in the webinterface about quota errors?

Background: Im using NextCloud with a Univention Corporate Server for schools. The server has an LDAP and Samba backend. All samba Homes and groupshares are added as external sources.
But nextcloud is keeping its own userfilestorage as the rootdir. So the user has the nextcloud home and the Samba home in Nextcloud and all the nextcloud files are missing in Samba.

It’s possible to set the NC quota to 0, so the user can only work with the external mounted Samba share. This works fine.

But when I access / in the webinterface i get a bunch of errors about the full quota, which is a very bad user experience. Besides that the “Usage Indicator” on the left downside always shows, the nextcloud drive as full.

At least error messages should be supressed. Disabeling the Usage Indicator would also be nice.

Thanks for your help

Hi Manfred,
long time there is no answer here, but recently I had same problem.
Difference in my scenario is, I’m using NC users instead of LDAP and groupfolders instead of external SAMBA share. But I guess, the problem is the same.
I configured the quota of 0 B for all users in order to avoid users are (accidently) storing data within their private storage area. So they are only working within the groupfolder.
Due to 0 B quota all users always got the annoying “Your storage is full” error message. My workaround is a small JS code snippet that just hides these error messages as soon as they pop up. Unfortunately there is a short moment while the user can see the message. Anyway this is the best solution I found until now.
Using the NC-app JSLoader (JSLoader - Apps - App Store - Nextcloud) I added the following JS code:

Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName(‘div’)).forEach(div => {
if (/\bYour storage is full\b/i.test(div.innerHTML)) {
div.style.display = ‘none’;

This code is based on code example I found here: CSS rule based on content - Stack Overflow and adapted to my needs.