Development of Kerberos App

Since i couldn’t get the SSO app to work with Kerberos authentication, and i couldn’t get any response on my topic about it, i decided to develop an Kerberos Connector App.
So, i need to understand a few things.
First things first: I did some research about kerberos php libs and found that krb5 seems to do the job of authenticating with credentials against and Kerberos realm. Has anyone worked with krb5.php? Is there any better option?
Also: I’m studying how apps work on nextcloud and i couldn’t get quite right how to override the native authentication of nextcloud to use the app instead. What exactly i need? DB config, set the routes? If anyone can explain how it should work it’d be great
If anyone has any better ideia of how to get this to work i’d be very pleased,

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Any pointers @LukasReschke?

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