Deleted files not being displayed

I’m still running on my nextcloud box. I’ve got version 15.0.5 I think it is.

I wanted to look at my deleted files and most likely clear them all out. When I click on deleted files I just get the progress circle and nothing else for at least and hour or two now.

What is my best way forward?

OK, I’m surprised nobody has answered or commented. I was forced to RTFM

My theory was that because my computer is a Raspberry Pi and the number of deleted files was likely to be large because I use nextcloud to move files around, the routine, php, genie, whatever could not process the list.

I looked up how to clear out all deleted files using the command line. That seems to have worked.

As a test, I created a file and then deleted it. With only one deleted file, the Trashbin is displayed with that one file as expected.

I either need to visit the trash regularly or find some automated solution for trashbin size control.