Default Language setting not working after upgrade to Nextcloud 11


I’m currently moving my old owncloud server (8.2.9) from an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS to SUSE Enterprise 12.
Upgrading from OC 8 to NC 9 to 10 everything’s fine, but when I upgrade from 10 to 11, the default_language option in config.php doesn’t work anymore. NC shows up in german, when I’ve set the default language to english.

'default_language' => 'en',

When I Upgrade from 9.0.56 to 10.0.3 it also logs:
starting upgrade from to

From 10.0.3 to 11.0.1:
starting upgrade from to

My Environment:
SUSE Enterprise 12
PHP 7.0.7
MariaDB 10.0.28

My changes to php.ini:

upload_max_filesize = 0
max_file_uploads = 200
post_max_size = 7G
max_execution_time = 9000
max_input_time = 9000
memory_limit = 2G
session.gc_maxlifetime = 9000

So if I read it correctly. It will be changed back in an upcoming release?