Nextcloud version (eg, 29.0.5):
Operating system and version (eg, Ubuntu 24.04): debian 12
Apache or nginx version (eg, Apache 2.4.25): nginx
PHP version (eg, 8.3): 8.2.25
The issue you are facing:
I am having an issue with the encryption / decryption module on legacy data. To give a bit of context, I have been using nextcloud for approximately 5 years, and I’ve always used encryption. I have all the encryption key I’ve used on my instance (at least I think I do). I am now trying to decrypt all my data, but I am missing a span of 1year and a half of data around 2019-2020. I am using the script found here: GitHub - syseleven/nextcloud-tools: This project contains tools to operate Nextcloud. but it unfortunately can’t decrypt everything. A couple months ago I tried two script one for server side encryption and one for e2ee, they also couldn’t recover the data. I can’t find the links of the scripts but they were from this forum. I think during the period of time I can’t recover I had the server side encryption enabled + the e2ee enabled, which makes scripts don’t work. Any help on how I could recover my data would be really loved.
Note that is an archived repository that isn’t maintained. It has a banner and a link to the maintained one in it in the first paragraph. Please use the maintained one.
I would like to try the process recommended, but I don’t really know how to implement it as it would require to merge both scripts, as if a decryption doesn’t output a valid png it just says that if fails. I have quite a lot of file kind of lost because of this, any help would be greatly appreciated.