Dashboard widget "Recommended files"

Just a question about the title of the “Recommended files”. Shouldn’t this be titled “Latest files” or “Latest changes” or something like that? I can’t say it’s “Recommended files” since it just shows the last 7 uploaded files? Some of my users asked me to change this as it’s “Confusing” to them (In Swedish it now states “Rekommenderade filer” instead i would suggest “Senast ändrade” or similar. Is there a possible solution to change that title my self? If yes, how? :slight_smile:

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you could change it in the code directly but you should remember, that that will be overwritten after every update.

You need to edit those files:
apps/recommendations/l10n/<YOURLANGUAGESHORTCODE>.js and


    "Recommended files" : "<ENTER YOUR NEW TITLE HERE>",
    "Recently commented" : "Nyligen kommenterade",
    "Recently edited" : "Nyligen redigerad",
    "Recently shared" : "Nyligen delade",
    "Recommendations" : "Rekommendationer",
    "Shows recommended files" : "Visar rekommenderade filer",
    "Shows recommended files for quick access of files and folders with recent activity" : "Visar rekommenderade filer för snabb åtkomst av filer och mappar med senast aktivitet",
    "Show recommendations" : "Visa rekommendationer"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");


{ "translations": {
    "Recommended files" : "<ENTER NEW TITLE HERE>",
    "Recently commented" : "Nyligen kommenterade",
    "Recently edited" : "Nyligen redigerad",
    "Recently shared" : "Nyligen delade",
    "Recommendations" : "Rekommendationer",
    "Shows recommended files" : "Visar rekommenderade filer",
    "Shows recommended files for quick access of files and folders with recent activity" : "Visar rekommenderade filer för snabb åtkomst av filer och mappar med senast aktivitet",
    "Show recommendations" : "Visa rekommendationer"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

Hope it helps,

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