Cron jobs work, but not all jobs are executed

Hello, I would like to ask for help with a CRON warning. (Cron jobs work, but not all jobs are executed). How can I fix this? (logs are empty) The problem is observed in AJAX, webcron, cron.I attach a screenshot.(Physical server not docker)

Здравствуйте, я хотел бы попросить помощи с предупреждением CRON. (Задания Cron работают, но не все задания выполняются). Как я могу это исправить? (логи пустые) Проблема наблюдается в AJAX, webcron, cron. Скриншот прилагаю. (Физический сервер не докер)

You may be able to determine which jobs are triggering this by running: occ background-job:list.

Do you have a maintenance_window_start set value under occ config:list system?

Any warnings/errors under Administration settings->Overview?

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Thank you, you helped me find a solution to this problem, it was that in config.php the value ‘maintenance_window_start’ => 1 was set, which runs from 01:00 UTC to 05:00 UTC while the server is usually disabled at this time ,I solved this problem by changing the value to ‘maintenance_window_start’ => 100, this means that tasks can be executed at any time. I hope this answer will help those who encountered a similar error :slight_smile:


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