Convert Task Only Calendar to Full Calendar

I would like to know how to convert a Task List only/To Do only/VTODO only Nextcloud calendar into a full calendar, one that supports events.

Caveat: I would like to convert the calendars created by Deck to full calendars.

I’m primarily interested in this because Android (using DavX) does not show task due dates in calendar apps. Secondarily, I would like to consolidate the total number of calendars in Nextcloud.

I’ve found various related topics but I’m wondering if there is an ongoing MR for this or if there is a some means for doing this.

(I also would be looking to merge two calendars, a non-Deck calendar with a Deck calendar.)

Questions related to such a feature
Would doing so break Deck’s task functionality?

Would a better implementation be allowing Deck to select which calendar its tasks are published to?

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An MR was opened by another user a couple days after posting.