Constantly being warned that a file is ransomware that is neither ransomeware, nor even exists on my server anymore

I was working on a 3D animation project and I needed to export a file as an alembic file, which has the extension of .abc

This triggered the ransomware alert on my server. I tried pausing protection and dismissing it etc, but it kept reminding me.

Eventually I got tired of it so I deleted the file. But I’m still getting notices about it.

When I go into my desktop client and click the " I need help" button or the “more information” button I get another alert saying “user david might be infected with ransomeware” etc etc. But that user isn’t, the file wasn’t ransomware, I already deleted it, and furthremore I went on my server and I adjusted the ransomware filter to exclude .abc files. So why does it keep alerting me still?

@nickvergessen can you help regarding the ransomware protection?

I also found out that there is no proper documentation:

The exclude of .abc is not retroactive, so it will only work for new files.
Also deleting the file does not interfer with the notifications.

But actually clicking any of the options should remove the notification. I added a little explanation to the README of the app:

The sync client currently has a bug and does not forget notifications that have been resolved:

Shutting of the nextcloud sync client and restarting it should remove the notifications that have been dealt with. If that does not solve your problem, please add some screenshots where it is alerting you exactly, so we can figure out the correct place to look at.

The issue seems to have been fixed, as I went on my server and clicked the “I will help” button. Thank you for the information.

For clarification though when you say:

But actually clicking any of the options should remove the notification.

Are you saying that clicking either “pause protection” or “I need help” should dismiss the notifications?

yes it should

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Hei, I get the same message over and over again. How was it solved? “Pause protection” or “I need help” cannot be the final solution, can it?