CollaboraOffice Error beim Erstellen xlsx


Hatte bis jetzt nur noch nicht die richtige Datei gefunden, wo man den Fehler korrigieren kann.

Wie gesagt lÀuft bei mir im dicker

I’m a french Sysadmin and I’d like to thank @Andreas_Mayr for this post. @JimmyKater too bad you are so condescending with more neophyte users

Have nice day!

@Vestarija hello dear french sysadmin,

it’s so nice of you to judge me.
But maybe you’ll take into consideration that there 1. is no real new user here (except for alen_n who solved this thread by reposting the GH-issue - and I didn’t reply to him except for marking that answer as the solution)
and 2. that you might have misunderstood something(s) here.

but anyways thanks for your surely well considered input.

Danke dir,
konnte den fehler in der php Àndern.
jetzt ist es weg