Collabora integration failing to connect to any document

I’m running a Nextcloud 15 instance with Collabora App 3.1.1 and Collabora CODE on Kubernetes. Both Nextcloud and CODE run behind an ingress and on separate subdomains and both have valid certificates. I have set all properties necessary like allowed servers for LOOLWSD and reverse proxy support.

Non-standard settings are --o:ssl.enable=false --o:security.capabilities=false --o:ssl.termination=true[0]=my_nextcloud_domain, the SSL settings are needed because my ingresses terminate SSL and the security.capabilities setting is necessary since the MKNOD capability the CODE container wants is root-equivalent and I’m not going to grant any application on my cluster any privileges they can use to escape containment. Everything seems to work just fine, after these settings I don’t have any healthcheck errors on CODE and Nextcloud console doesn’t complain when connecting to a document. I also don’t have any errors in the CODE log that are actionable. But I cannot open any document, it always fails to connect.

I get the following logs on CODE:

kit-00901-00020 2019-02-03 01:15:13.283066 [ loolkit ] ERR  Security warning - using template /opt/collaboraoffice6.0 as install subpath - skipping chroot jail setup| kit/Kit.cpp:2396
wsd-00018-00028 2019-02-03 01:15:13.465707 [ websrv_poll ] ERR  wakeup socket #36 is closed at wakeup? (ENOMEM: Cannot allocate memory)| ./net/Socket.hpp:614
Collabora Office 6.0 - Fatal Error: The application cannot be started. 
User installation could not be completed. 
wsd-00018-00855 2019-02-03 01:15:13.724465 [ docbroker_02d ] ERR  No socket associated with WebSocketHandler 0x7f665801a930| ./net/WebSocketHandler.hpp:108
wsd-00018-00019 2019-02-03 01:15:13.724678 [ prisoner_poll ] WRN  Waking up dead poll thread [docbroker_02d], started: true, finished: true| ./net/Socket.hpp:622
wsd-00018-00019 2019-02-03 01:15:13.724692 [ prisoner_poll ] WRN  Waking up dead poll thread [docbroker_02d], started: true, finished: true| ./net/Socket.hpp:622
wsd-00018-00019 2019-02-03 01:15:13.724741 [ prisoner_poll ] WRN  Waking up dead poll thread [docbroker_02d], started: false, finished: true| ./net/Socket.hpp:622
wsd-00018-00019 2019-02-03 01:15:13.724754 [ prisoner_poll ] WRN  Waking up dead poll thread [docbroker_02d], started: false, finished: true| ./net/Socket.hpp:622
func=xmlSecCheckVersionExt:file=xmlsec.c:line=188:obj=unknown:subj=unknown:error=19:invalid version:mode=abi compatible;expected minor version=2;real minor version=2;expected subminor version=25;real subminor version=26
func=xmlSecCheckVersionExt:file=xmlsec.c:line=188:obj=unknown:subj=unknown:error=19:invalid version:mode=abi compatible;expected minor version=2;real minor version=2;expected subminor version=25;real subminor version=26
wsd-00018-00899 2019-02-03 01:15:14.507361 [ docbroker_035 ] WRN  Other than load failure: savefailed| wsd/ClientSession.cpp:747
kit-00893-00900 2019-02-03 01:15:14.508004 [ lokit_035 ] ERR  CALLBACK_ERROR: {
    "classification": "error",
    "cmd": "saveas",
    "kind": "io",
    "code": "0x31c(Error Area:Io Class:NotExists Code:28)",
    "message": ""
| kit/ChildSession.cpp:1882
kit-00893-00900 2019-02-03 01:15:14.508092 [ lokit_035 ] ERR  CALLBACK_ERROR: {
    "classification": "error",
    "cmd": "saveas",
    "kind": "io",
    "code": "0x31c(Error Area:Io Class:NotExists Code:28)",
    "message": ""
| kit/ChildSession.cpp:1882
wsd-00018-00899 2019-02-03 01:15:14.508171 [ docbroker_035 ] WRN  Other than load failure: io| wsd/ClientSession.cpp:747
wsd-00018-00899 2019-02-03 01:15:14.508372 [ docbroker_035 ] WRN  Other than load failure: io| wsd/ClientSession.cpp:747

Has anyone ever seen something like this? I can’t find any error like it online and I cannot find the place they are generated in CODE since the given places in the logs only point to the place they are reported at, not where they actually originate.

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