Collabora Docker : Failed to write to pipe


I’ll try to run collabora with nextcloud. I have
nextcloud 10
collabora/code latest version of the image

but when I try to edit a document in nextcloud I have error and when I look contener logs I have this

frk-00126-0126 0:00:00.000975 [ loolforkit ] FTL Capability cap_sys_chroot is not set for the loolforkit program.
frk-00126-0126 0:00:00.001514 [ loolforkit ] FTL Capability cap_mknod is not set for the loolforkit program.
frk-00126-0126 0:00:00.001887 [ loolforkit ] FTL Capability cap_fowner is not set for the loolforkit program.
wsd-00024-0025 0:01:36.521107 [ client_ws_0001 ] WRN getNewChild: No available child. Sending spawn request to forkit and failing.| LOOLWSD.cpp:376
wsd-00024-0025 0:01:36.522067 [ client_ws_0001 ] ERR Failed to write to pipe. Data: [spawn 1
]. (errno: Broken pipe)
loolforkit version details: 1.9.8 - 1.9.8
frk-00131-0131 0:00:00.001849 [ loolforkit ] FTL Capability cap_sys_chroot is not set for the loolforkit program.
frk-00131-0131 0:00:00.003073 [ loolforkit ] FTL Capability cap_mknod is not set for the loolforkit program.
frk-00131-0131 0:00:00.003738 [ loolforkit ] FTL Capability cap_fowner is not set for the loolforkit program.
wsd-00024-0025 0:01:41.523699 [ client_ws_0001 ] ERR Failed to get new child. Service Unavailable.| LOOLWSD.cpp:822
wsd-00024-0025 0:01:41.524910 [ client_ws_0001 ] ERR ClientRequestHandler::handleClientRequest: WebSocketErrorMessageException: error: cmd=socket kind=serviceunavailable| LOOLWSD.cpp:1139
wsd-00024-0025 0:01:44.479507 [ client_ws_0002 ] WRN getNewChild: No available child. Sending spawn request to forkit and failing.| LOOLWSD.cpp:376
wsd-00024-0025 0:01:44.480646 [ client_ws_0002 ] ERR Failed to write to pipe. Data: [spawn 1
]. (errno: Broken pipe)
loolforkit version details: 1.9.8 - 1.9.8

I run my contener like this
docker run --name libreoffice --cap-add MKNOD --cap-add FOWNER --cap-add SYS_CHROOT -t -d -p -e β€˜domain=next-demo\.hisyl\.info’ --restart always collabora/code

Do you have idea with this error ?



After changing kernel to 4.7. I have now this error

wsd-00024-0028 0:00:32.533672 [ client_ws_0002 ] ERR Error in client request handler: Connection refused| LOOLWSD.cpp:966
wsd-00024-0028 0:00:38.672253 [ client_ws_0003 ] ERR Error in client request handler: Connection refused| LOOLWSD.cpp:966


I have the same issue. Does anyone know how to fix it?

wsd-00027-0031 0:00:50.736634 [ client_ws_0002 ] ERR Error in client request handler: Connection refused| LOOLWSD.cpp:966


I updated nextcloud apps and docker contener but no change, always the same error :frowning:

for my installation occures the same error:

2016-12-04T12:07:58.367360337Z frk-05494-5494 0:00:00.001456 [ loolforkit ] FTL Capability cap_sys_chroot is not set for the loolforkit program.
2016-12-04T12:07:58.367683164Z frk-05494-5494 0:00:00.001787 [ loolforkit ] FTL Capability cap_mknod is not set for the loolforkit program.
2016-12-04T12:07:58.367954575Z frk-05494-5494 0:00:00.002093 [ loolforkit ] FTL Capability cap_fowner is not set for the loolforkit program.
2016-12-04T12:07:58.731894069Z wsd-00025-0027 1:31:11.932121 [ client_ws_0007 ] ERR Failed to get new child. Service Unavailable.| LOOLWSD.cpp:822
2016-12-04T12:07:58.733045735Z wsd-00025-0027 1:31:11.933104 [ client_ws_0007 ] ERR ClientRequestHandler::handleClientRequest: WebSocketErrorMessageException: error: cmd=socket kind=serviceunavailable| LOOLWSD.cpp:1139

Some special configuration is here (Two-Server):
Web-Server (Ubuntu, Apache, nextcloud) β†’ Web-Server (Ubuntu, Apache, proxy) β†’ Docker-Server (Debian, Kernel 3.16.0-4-amd64)

please post the output of: docker info | grep -i driver


results of the command :

docker info | grep -i driver

WARNING: Usage of loopback devices is strongly discouraged for production use. Use --storage-opt dm.thinpooldev to specify a custom block storage device.
WARNING: No swap limit support
Storage Driver: devicemapper
Logging Driver: json-file
Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs

interesting, that you all are using devicemapper, in my case switching to devicemapper fixed the same issue, I got the error above with aufs and overlay.

Hi, here is the output

master@server:~# docker info | grep -i driver
WARNING: No memory limit support
WARNING: No swap limit support
WARNING: No kernel memory limit support
WARNING: No oom kill disable support
WARNING: No cpu cfs quota support
WARNING: No cpu cfs period support
Storage Driver: aufs
Logging Driver: json-file

you should switch to devicemapper, then it should run better.

I am already with devicemaper and it’s not working