Client files not uploading onto server after fresh install of client and server

Nextcloud version:
Operating system and version: Debian GNU/Linux 11. 5.15.61-v8+ (aarch64)
Apache or nginx version (eg, Apache 2.4.25): replace me
PHP version: 8.1

The issue you are facing:

after installation of NextCloudPi (NCP) v1.51.0 on a RaspberryPi NextCloud server, then configuring an external SSD to hold all user data and user database, then connecting a NextCloud desktop client v3.7.3 from Windows v10.0.18363 OS:

  • the already existing files are NOT transferred to the server, but
  • the complete folder structure is correctly visible via web and other clients

the desktop client shows tons of error messages of two different types:

  • “connection closed” for specific files
  • ~“different size files read than written unto server” for other files (see image)

Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? YES

After three days of trying different variations of upload configurations, I thought, this one would be the simplest, but even this does not work.

Steps to replicate it:

  1. connect to USB and mount SSD (btrfs) containing just old backups
  2. prepare ncdata and ncdatabase folders on SSD to be connected via NCP
  3. within NCP: set ncdata and ncdatabase folders to point to SSD
  4. create a primary NC user “user1” using the “ncp” admin user
  5. re-configure letsencrypt to be easily reachable from the outside
  6. create valid exclude-list on client, to not upload everything
  7. activate NC client for “user1” on Windows desktop

→ now, synchronization starts, but shows the described errors
→ folders are created on the server side, but no files are transferred

The output of your Nextcloud log in Admin > Logging:

Fehler	no app in context	Sabre\DAV\Exception\BadRequest: Expected filesize of 60091 bytes but read (from Nextcloud client) and wrote (to Nextcloud storage) 8192 bytes. Could either be a network problem on the sending side or a problem writing to the storage on the server side.		2023-02-10T17:50:11+0100
Fehler	PHP	Error: fread(): Unable to create temporary file, Check permissions in temporary files directory. at /var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/icewind/streams/src/Wrapper.php#55		2023-02-10T17:50:11+0100
Fehler	PHP	Error: fread(): file created in the system's temporary directory at /var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/icewind/streams/src/Wrapper.php#55		2023-02-10T17:50:11+0100
Fehler	no app in context	Sabre\DAV\Exception\BadRequest: Expected filesize of 30572 bytes but read (from Nextcloud client) and wrote (to Nextcloud storage) 8192 bytes. Could either be a network problem on the sending side or a problem writing to the storage on the server side.		2023-02-10T17:50:11+0100
Fehler	PHP	Error: fread(): Unable to create temporary file, Check permissions in temporary files directory. at /var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/icewind/streams/src/Wrapper.php#55		2023-02-10T17:50:11+0100
Fehler	PHP	Error: fread(): file created in the system's temporary directory at /var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/icewind/streams/src/Wrapper.php#55		2023-02-10T17:50:11+0100
Fehler	no app in context	Sabre\DAV\Exception\BadRequest: Expected filesize of 36072 bytes but read (from Nextcloud client) and wrote (to Nextcloud storage) 8192 bytes. Could either be a network problem on the sending side or a problem writing to the storage on the server side.		2023-02-10T17:50:10+0100
Fehler	PHP	Error: fread(): Unable to create temporary file, Check permissions in temporary files directory. at /var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/icewind/streams/src/Wrapper.php#55		2023-02-10T17:50:10+0100
Fehler	PHP	Error: fread(): file created in the system's temporary directory at /var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/icewind/streams/src/Wrapper.php#55		2023-02-10T17:50:10+0100

The output of your config.php file in /path/to/nextcloud (make sure you remove any identifiable information!):

$CONFIG = array (
  'passwordsalt' => 'ZGg/Gh+YmNmegl2SjBOeaP2FvJnFT7',
  'secret' => 'orNgQLpnWKWjIHDOlMU7FXLu2tRea6kyTY8NWpLOaq21DARg',
  'trusted_domains' =>
  array (
    0 => 'localhost',
    7 => 'nextcloudpi',
    5 => 'nextcloudpi.local',
    8 => 'nextcloudpi.lan',
    3 => '[ snip ]',
    11 => '[ snip ]',
    1 => '',
    14 => 'RPi-10',
  'datadirectory' => '/media/SSD240GB/ncdata/data',
  'dbtype' => 'mysql',
  'version' => '',
  'overwrite.cli.url' => 'https://[ snip ]/',
  'dbname' => 'nextcloud',
  'dbhost' => 'localhost',
  'dbport' => '',
  'dbtableprefix' => 'oc_',
  'mysql.utf8mb4' => true,
  'dbuser' => 'ncadmin',
  'dbpassword' => '[ snip ]',
  'installed' => true,
  'instanceid' => 'occqjdyc2czx',
  'memcache.local' => '\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis',
  'memcache.locking' => '\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis',
  'redis' =>
  array (
    'host' => '/var/run/redis/redis.sock',
    'port' => 0,
    'timeout' => 0.0,
    'password' => '[ snip ]',
  'tempdirectory' => '/media/SSD240GB/ncdata/data/tmp',
  'mail_smtpmode' => 'sendmail',
  'mail_smtpauthtype' => 'LOGIN',
  'mail_from_address' => 'admin',
  'mail_domain' => '',
  'preview_max_x' => '2048',
  'preview_max_y' => '2048',
  'jpeg_quality' => '60',
  'overwriteprotocol' => 'https',
  'maintenance' => false,
  'logfile' => '/media/SSD240GB/ncdata/data/nextcloud.log',
  'trusted_proxies' =>
  array (
    11 => '',
    12 => '::1',
    13 => '[ snip ]',
    14 => '[ snip ]',

The output of your Apache system log in /var/log/apache2/nc.error.log:

[Fri Feb 10 14:28:48.480172 2023] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 15919:tid 546844950912] [client] AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Notice:  Unknown: file created in the system's temporary directory in Unknown on line 0PHP message: PHP Warning:  Unknown: Unable to create temporary file, Check permissions in temporary files directory. in Unknown on line 0PHP message: PHP Warning:  Unknown: POST data can't be buffered; all data discarded in Unknown on line 0'
[Fri Feb 10 14:28:49.848707 2023] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 15860:tid 546844950912] [client] AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Notice:  Unknown: file created in the system's temporary directory in Unknown on line 0PHP message: PHP Warning:  Unknown: Unable to create temporary file, Check permissions in temporary files directory. in Unknown on line 0PHP message: PHP Warning:  Unknown: POST data can't be buffered; all data discarded in Unknown on line 0'
[Fri Feb 10 14:28:50.393144 2023] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 15860:tid 546828165504] [client] AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Notice:  Unknown: file created in the system's temporary directory in Unknown on line 0PHP message: PHP Warning:  Unknown: Unable to create temporary file, Check permissions in temporary files directory. in Unknown on line 0PHP message: PHP Warning:  Unknown: POST data can't be buffered; all data discarded in Unknown on line 0'
[Fri Feb 10 14:28:51.340630 2023] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 15919:tid 547637105024] [client] AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Notice:  Unknown: file created in the system's temporary directory in Unknown on line 0PHP message: PHP Warning:  Unknown: Unable to create temporary file, Check permissions in temporary files directory. in Unknown on line 0PHP message: PHP Warning:  Unknown: POST data can't be buffered; all data discarded in Unknown on line 0'
[Fri Feb 10 14:28:52.907226 2023] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 15860:tid 546308080000] [client] AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Notice:  Unknown: file created in the system's temporary directory in Unknown on line 0PHP message: PHP Warning:  Unknown: Unable to create temporary file, Check permissions in temporary files directory. in Unknown on line 0PHP message: PHP Warning:  Unknown: POST data can't be buffered; all data discarded in Unknown on line 0'
[Fri Feb 10 14:28:53.981111 2023] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 15919:tid 546735911296] [client] AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Notice:  Unknown: file created in the system's temporary directory in Unknown on line 0PHP message: PHP Warning:  Unknown: Unable to create temporary file, Check permissions in temporary files directory. in Unknown on line 0PHP message: PHP Warning:  Unknown: POST data can't be buffered; all data discarded in Unknown on line 0'

Output errors in nextcloud.log in /var/www/ or as admin user in top right menu, filtering for errors. Use a pastebin service if necessary.

{"reqId":"Y-Z11xQ8b5DQBJdsZoXjFAAAAAM","level":3,"time":"2023-02-10T16:50:31+00:00","remoteAddr":"","user":"user1","app":"PHP","method":"PUT","url":"/remote.php/dav/files/user1/PRJ__Zimmervermietung/_tools/booking/libArray.bas","message":"fread(): Unable to create temporary file, Check permissions in temporary files directory. at /var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/icewind/streams/src/Wrapper.php#55","userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows) mirall/3.7.3stable-Win64 (build 20230209) (Nextcloud, windows-10.0.18363 ClientArchitecture: x86_64 OsArchitecture: x86_64)","version":"","exception":{"Exception":"Error","Message":"fread(): Unable to create temporary file, Check permissions in temporary files directory. at /var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/icewind/streams/src/Wrapper.php#55","Code":0,"Trace":[{"function":"onError","class":"OC\\Log\\ErrorHandler","type":"::"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/icewind/streams/src/Wrapper.php","line":55,"function":"fread"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/icewind/streams/src/CallbackWrapper.php","line":96,"function":"stream_read","class":"Icewind\\Streams\\Wrapper","type":"->"},{"function":"stream_read","class":"Icewind\\Streams\\CallbackWrapper","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Files/Storage/Local.php","line":311,"function":"file_put_contents"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Files/Storage/Local.php","line":613,"function":"file_put_contents","class":"OC\\Files\\Storage\\Local","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Files/Storage/Wrapper/Wrapper.php","line":647,"function":"writeStream","class":"OC\\Files\\Storage\\Local","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Files/Storage/Wrapper/Wrapper.php","line":647,"function":"writeStream","class":"OC\\Files\\Storage\\Wrapper\\Wrapper","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/apps/dav/lib/Connector/Sabre/File.php","line":248,"function":"writeStream","class":"OC\\Files\\Storage\\Wrapper\\Wrapper","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/apps/dav/lib/Connector/Sabre/Directory.php","line":151,"function":"put","class":"OCA\\DAV\\Connector\\Sabre\\File","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php","line":1098,"function":"createFile","class":"OCA\\DAV\\Connector\\Sabre\\Directory","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/CorePlugin.php","line":504,"function":"createFile","class":"Sabre\\DAV\\Server","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/sabre/event/lib/WildcardEmitterTrait.php","line":89,"function":"httpPut","class":"Sabre\\DAV\\CorePlugin","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php","line":472,"function":"emit","class":"Sabre\\DAV\\Server","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php","line":253,"function":"invokeMethod","class":"Sabre\\DAV\\Server","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php","line":321,"function":"start","class":"Sabre\\DAV\\Server","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/apps/dav/lib/Server.php","line":360,"function":"exec","class":"Sabre\\DAV\\Server","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/apps/dav/appinfo/v2/remote.php","line":35,"function":"exec","class":"OCA\\DAV\\Server","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/remote.php","line":171,"args":["/var/www/nextcloud/apps/dav/appinfo/v2/remote.php"],"function":"require_once"}],"File":"/var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Log/ErrorHandler.php","Line":92,"CustomMessage":"--"}}
{"reqId":"Y-Z11xQ8b5DQBJdsZoXjFAAAAAM","level":3,"time":"2023-02-10T16:50:31+00:00","remoteAddr":"","user":"user1","app":"no app in context","method":"PUT","url":"/remote.php/dav/files/user1/PRJ__Zimmervermietung/_tools/booking/libArray.bas","message":"Expected filesize of 131139 bytes but read (from Nextcloud client) and wrote (to Nextcloud storage) 8192 bytes. Could either be a network problem on the sending side or a problem writing to the storage on the server side.","userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows) mirall/3.7.3stable-Win64 (build 20230209) (Nextcloud, windows-10.0.18363 ClientArchitecture: x86_64 OsArchitecture: x86_64)","version":"","exception":{"Exception":"Sabre\\DAV\\Exception\\BadRequest","Message":"Expected filesize of 131139 bytes but read (from Nextcloud client) and wrote (to Nextcloud storage) 8192 bytes. Could either be a network problem on the sending side or a problem writing to the storage on the server side.","Code":0,"Trace":[{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/apps/dav/lib/Connector/Sabre/Directory.php","line":151,"function":"put","class":"OCA\\DAV\\Connector\\Sabre\\File","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php","line":1098,"function":"createFile","class":"OCA\\DAV\\Connector\\Sabre\\Directory","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/CorePlugin.php","line":504,"function":"createFile","class":"Sabre\\DAV\\Server","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/sabre/event/lib/WildcardEmitterTrait.php","line":89,"function":"httpPut","class":"Sabre\\DAV\\CorePlugin","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php","line":472,"function":"emit","class":"Sabre\\DAV\\Server","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php","line":253,"function":"invokeMethod","class":"Sabre\\DAV\\Server","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Server.php","line":321,"function":"start","class":"Sabre\\DAV\\Server","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/apps/dav/lib/Server.php","line":360,"function":"exec","class":"Sabre\\DAV\\Server","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/apps/dav/appinfo/v2/remote.php","line":35,"function":"exec","class":"OCA\\DAV\\Server","type":"->"},{"file":"/var/www/nextcloud/remote.php","line":171,"args":["/var/www/nextcloud/apps/dav/appinfo/v2/remote.php"],"function":"require_once"}],"File":"/var/www/nextcloud/apps/dav/lib/Connector/Sabre/File.php","Line":297,"message":"Expected filesize of 131139 bytes but read (from Nextcloud client) and wrote (to Nextcloud storage) 8192 bytes. Could either be a network problem on the sending side or a problem writing to the storage on the server side.","exception":{},"CustomMessage":"Expected filesize of 131139 bytes but read (from Nextcloud client) and wrote (to Nextcloud storage) 8192 bytes. Could either be a network problem on the sending side or a problem writing to the storage on the server side."}}

hope that someone might help…


base folder on SSD filesystem containing access information:

nnako@RPi-10:/media/SSD240GB $ ls -al
total 332
drwxr-xr-x 1 root     root        276 Feb 10 14:06 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root     root       4096 Feb 10 12:59 ..
drwxr-x--- 1 www-data www-data    286 Jul  5  2021 bkp_ncdata_20210706
drwxr-x--- 1 www-data www-data    262 Dec 12  2021 bkp_ncdata_2023-02-07
drwxr-xr-x 1 dnsmasq  avahi       266 Jul  5  2021 bkp_ncdatabase_20210705
drwxr-xr-x 1 dnsmasq  mysql       318 Feb  7 19:35 bkp_ncdatabase_2023-02-07
drwxr-xr-x 1 root     root          8 Feb 10 14:01 ncdata
drwxr-xr-x 1 mysql    mysql       308 Feb 10 14:06 ncdatabase
drwxr-xr-x 1 root     root        294 Jan 15 03:00 ncp-backups
-rw------- 1 root     root     317440 Jul  6  2021 ncp-config_20210706.tar

Maybe that helps also… I would have expected “www-data” to be a better access info for ncdata than root, but I am not sure…


now after further hours of re-installations, frustration, …

the situation stays the same. In the above described configuration:

server side

  • RaspberryPi 3B+ with NCP image v1.51.0 → NC server v25.0.3.2
  • 240 GB SSD connected via USB and mounted to RaspBerry Pi

client side

  • Windows machine
  • running NC desktop client v3.7.3
  • about 7 GB of user data on local synchronization folder

but I see

→ only folders get created within the server (synchronized)
→ NO file is being synchronized from local to server
→ uploading is correctly announced (mouse-over hints on client window)
→ but loads of error messages “connection closed” for every file
→ growing logfiles (many megabytes within minutes)

am I the only one with these kind of effects from a “fresh” installation?


unfortunately, the log files have become too big and the whole Windows system has become so slow, by now, that I will not be able to provide a representative status, here. please ask for any bit of information in case you want to help.


this is the last step before the synchronization starts…

these options are chosen before pressing the “connect” button:

  • use individual local folder containing files / folders
  • synchronize all server files (there are none, yet)
  • keep local files / folders (don’t delete)

There has been much frustration with the installation process so far. Loads of error messages coming from no technically comprehensible source and flooding my client system up to the point that I had to restart my Windows client system due to massive slow-down and the cpu fan being on the verge of replacing my room heating system…

But, after I decided to let the client system just run for two days, the situation miraculously cleared up. no more error messages, no more slow-downs, … no more oddities :slight_smile: .

As if NextCloud healed itself and just was not able to hide all the complex things going on in the background during the process… from the eyes of a troubled user.

This might be my conclusion, so far:

NEXTCLOUD, your product is good, but, please, try to work on optimizing the presentation of error messages. Otherwise a user might be tempted to interfere with all the stuff going on (triggered by error messages), by trying to solve temporary issues which just stem from some internal operations to transit to a stable system state.
