Changing the directory data to another folder - version 15.07 nextcloud

My name is Rogerio. I am a student and working now with this new software.
My O.S. is Ubuntu 18.04
I would like to know if there is some possibility to change the current folder that contains the directory data of all files storage in this version of nexcloud 15.07:
-> /var/snap/nextcloud/common/nextcloud/data
change it to another folder, that is in another partition but the same disk :
-> /data/nextcloud/common/nextcloud/data
I already tryed to create an symbolic link using ‘ln -L -s’ and ‘ln -s’, but occurs an erros that the ‘.ocdata’ folder is not in the folder ‘data’. But, it is there, even after I had created the symbolic link.
I know that there are databases envolved but, my installation is in perfect state. I just would like to change the destination of all datas (videos , pictures ) to another folder .
Is there an command that I can call to reconfigure all the parameters envolved into database, apache webservice and folders again ?

best regards