Changing a translation not possible


I tried to overwrite the next ā€žBenutzername oder E-Mailā€œ (Username or email) with ā€žBenutzernameā€œ (username) because our users donā€™t have a email adress added but sometimes try to login with their email adress.

The modification was done by editing the files de_DE.js and de_DE.json. The modificated files are located in /themes/custom/core/l10n. de_DE is set as standard. The same goes for the theme custom.


ā€˜default_languageā€™ => ā€˜de_DEā€™,
ā€˜default_localeā€™ => ā€˜de_DEā€™,
ā€˜themeā€™ => ā€˜customā€™,


ā€œUsername or emailā€ : ā€œBenutzernameā€,
ā€œUsername or\temailā€ : ā€œBenutzernameā€,
ā€œnplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);ā€


{ ā€œtranslationsā€: {
ā€œUsername or emailā€ : ā€œBenutzernameā€,
ā€œUsername or\temailā€ : ā€œBenutzernameā€,
ā€œpluralFormā€ :ā€œnplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);ā€

Other modifications like templates works without any problems. But this change does nothing. Any idee what I am doing wrong?

Thank you very much for your help.

Best Regards


I have the same problem.
So I tried change the translation directly in the core (nextcloud/core/l10n) but didnā€™t work.

Hi Gerhard,

I did the modifications directly in the core/l10n (/var/www/nextcloud/core/l10n/), and works fine!
The cache was troll me. But after I cleared the cache the translation appear in the login page.

strangely, there seem to be some phrases that donā€™t change for me to. (in my case the ā€œUser disabledā€ phrase in the en_GB language).
I have also forced the default language in the config.php.
@camilobg, how did you reset the cache?
I have forced reload in my browser and restarted the apache server which should also clear the APCu cache. I have also restarted the redis caching.

@zeigerpuppy these are the steps that I did (considering my language brazilian portuguese):

  1. Alter the translation directly in the core/l10n/pt_BR.js and core/l10n/pt_BR.json.

  2. Define default language and locale, and force the locale on CONFIG.PHP:

ā€œdefault_languageā€ => ā€œpt_BRā€,
ā€œdefault_localeā€ => ā€œpt_BRā€,
ā€œforce_localeā€ => ā€œpt_BRā€,

  1. Update the .js file:

sudo -u www-data php occ maintenance:mimetype:update-js

  1. Restart Apache and Redis

  2. So, finally, I reseted the browserā€™s cache.

I hope that works with you too.
So, if this doesnā€™t work, then try alter the english default placeholder in the login.js file:
