Change default image name

when i’m taking a photo diractly from nextcloud it give it by default the name image.jpg.
now if im taking another photo then it still gives it the name image so i get an alert that ask me what image i want to keep.
now my question is, what can i do to prevent it?
is there a way to change the default name to the timestamp or something like that?
thank you in advence.

Nextcloud version 15:
Operating system and version 18.03.04:
Apache or nginx version Apache 2.4.28:
PHP version 7.2:

Steps to replicate it:

  1. press the plus sign in the files section
  2. press the first option
  3. press again on the first option
  4. take a photo and upload it
  5. now do those steps again so you will upload a second photo
  6. now you will see the alert