Celsius Fahrenheit Setting

Can there please be a toggle for the weather? I know there are “Tricks” but they don’t work and having to do tricks for something so incredibly simple seems very very silly.

Can we just get a simple check box (use Fahrenheit)?

Please use the search function of this forum first, before posting the same question/featrue request several times. Afaik there are several threads on the forum concerning this function and also a long discussion about that on GitHub :wink:


It seems the fact that there are several discussions on something so utterly silly should illustrate a point:

This should just be a thing already

Note this is the first thing to show up if you search for “fahrenheit”.

Putting this here for others that search and find a post asking them to search for the issue.

This hack gets it working for me with AIO with 27.0.1. Odd that an issue like this has not been fixed:


In settings>personal info>locale:

Change the locale anything else such as English (world) and then change it back to English (US) again. Refresh the dashboard and it should show up as Fahrenheit.