CardDAV authentification failure after changing domain name

Hit there!

First of all: My NC installation is running on an Ubuntu Server at home. I already upgraded NC to 13.0.1 yesterday hoping that this issue would be solved.
For Cal- & CardDAV I’m using the following URL: /remote.php/dav/principals/users/USERNAME/

Last weekend I changed my NC’s trusted domain name from to and yesterday I was trying to move the Cal- & CardDAV database on my iOS and Mac clients, using the new domain.
Now, after that change, the CalDAV account works very well, but while setting up the CardDAV account I’m every time ending up in a failure on any device. I really have no idea what and where to check what is causing this issue. There are no logs on my NC installation as well.

So why only CardDAV do not work? I already checked the .htaccess file and it looks good:
RewriteRule ^\.well-known/carddav /remote.php/dav/ [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^\.well-known/caldav /remote.php/dav/ [R=301,L]

Any help is appreciated!

Ok, it seems that my CalDAV account is only working on my Mac but on iOS the same mobileconfig file have the same problem like my CardDAV account.

With working service discovery you can use “automatic” as account type. MacOS/iOS then configure the correct links automatically. I’d delete the existing (not working) carddav account) from your device and add it again in system settings, choose “automatic” as account type and use as login USERNAME@EXAMPLE.COM where USERNAME is your username for nextcloud and EXAMPLE.COM is the domain where your nextcloud is running.

It seems that exactly this service discovery is not working (properly?). Where could I check it out to be sure?

I figured out that after manually configuration using advanced settings it is somehow possible to create both accounts (Cal-&CardDAV) on iOS. But this is a kind of very difficult, because every time it ends up in failure at first. Only after saving, editing the URL and typing in the password again it seems to work properly.

I’d like to do it the very simplest way round: create a mobileconfig file with Apple Configurator for each user and just install on every device where I need it, in just a few clicks. In the past with the old domain it was working without any troubles.
Now it is not working, even when I enter exactly the same data as via manual configuration.

I Bonjour,

J’ai aussi un problème d’authentification sur le calendrier avec Thunderbird… depuis la derniere mise a jour de Nextcloud.
I have also an identification problem into the thunderbird calendar, since the last NextCloud update.

Nextcloud est installé en mutualisé et fonctionne depuis plus d’un an, sans probleme majeur.

J’ai d’abord eu le problème sur ma configuration Linux. Malgré plusieurs saisies et reconfiguration de calendrier dans Thunderbird du mot de passe, toujours échec.

Je suis actuellement sur un Windows 10 et le problème d’identification est identique.

Il semblerait donc que ce soit un problème de Nextcloud et pas des configs sur lesquels il est installé, un problème de mise à jour donc. Mais je dis bien il semblerait, en attendant les conclusions des développeurs.

Possiblement quelques lenteurs aussi depuis la mise à jour, mais sur ce point, je garde des réserves, c’est juste du ressenti.

curl -I https://EXAMPLE.COM/.well-known/caldav
should contain (amongst other lines):

HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Location: https://EXAMPLE.COM/remote.php/dav
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Thanks, I already solved it some hours ago. It was a little misconfiguration in my some kind of complicated setup.

But yes, your answer about the service discovery was really helpful!

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