Can't transfer ownership

I want to transfer ownership to my admin account using the occ command, but my users have space on their name, and the command always fails (Too many arguments, expected arguments "command" "source-user" "destination-user".).

I need to escape the space, but I don’t know how.

I tried:

sudo -u web-user path/to/php path/to/occ files:transfer-ownership User with space Admin
sudo -u web-user “path/to/php” “path/to/occ” files:transfer-ownership “User with space” Admin
sudo -u web-user “path/to/php” “path/to/occ” files:transfer-ownership User\ with\ space Admin
sudo -u web-user path/to/php path/to/occ files:transfer-ownership “User\ with\ space” Admin

None of them seem to work. Any idea?