Can't connect to nextcloudpi:4443 after update

Nextcloud version:
Operating system and version: nextcloudpi 1.38.6
Apache or nginx version: Apache 2.4.38
PHP version: 7.3.29-1~deb10u1

The issue you are facing:
I can’t access “nextcloudpi:4443”.
I can’t access the webui via my no-ip domain.
SSH works

Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? yes

Steps to replicate it:

  1. have some old version (some and 1.2xxx) of nextcloud and nextcloudpi installed
  2. do all the updates
  3. reboot

ok, the problem was, that the apache wasn’t started. Which was due to a missing certificate. This couldn’t be renewed because I thought I had my ports open, but actually had not.

So I eventually recognized how to really open the ports, renewed the certificate, restarted apache and everything was working again.