Can't connect over free dns URL

Dear all,

I am a noob concerning any NextCloud topics and would really appreciate your help!

Nextcloud version:
Operating system and version: NextCloudPi v1.38.0
Apache or nginx version: ??
PHP version: ??

The issue you are facing:
I configured my NextCloudPi via the installation wizard and everything worked fine for a couple of months. For access from outside of my home network I am using an URL set-up with Since one or two weeks this URL is not working anymore. When running the wizard for external access again I go through all the steps and the wizards tells me everything is fine, except the URL is not working afterwards. Also I get the message from Nextcloud that the ports are closed although my FritzBox tells me otherwise. Can somebody help me out please?



Additional information:

  • I am using a Fritzbox 3490 together with a cable modem provided by an internet provider for internet access. The cable modem was replaced recently, due to a defect of the old one, but I am not sure if this problem did not occure before already.
  • I am using a VPN provider.

Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? (Y/N): Y

your dynamic dns entry was updated properly? After the box change, probably you IP changed…

Well, then why do you need your provider box to forward these ports, the RPi should be directly connected to the VPN?