Cannot install the end-to-end encryption app


Hi - I’ve just installed the 2TB VM from Nextcloud VM – T&M Hansson IT AB

I want to enable the end to end encryption app, so I click on the button “Download and enable” in the admin, app settings on the GUI. I get an error message “An error occured during the request. Unable to proceed.”

The app downloads as now I am only presented with the “enable” button. When I click on enable, I get the following error message: “An error occured during the request. Unable to proceed.” Same error.

I tested to see if I could install other apps, so tried the “news” app, and that installed fine.

Any ideas on how to fix this? I am a newbie to next cloud, and happy to run it in a VM as it takes most of the technical headaches away (well, that’s the theory and yet here I am with a technical problem :slight_smile: )

Hi @Larrikin, as I’ve already said here:

The end-to-end-encryption app is just not yet compatible with Nextcloud 21. Please follow e.g. Version 21 Compatibility · Issue #224 · nextcloud/end_to_end_encryption · GitHub for further resolution.

Hence you simply need to wait until the app becomes compatible with NC21.