Cannot connect to

talk call not work,

It seams timeout of
and no any results while visit by a web browser.

any other STUN sever?

Ping is working for me…

PING ( 56(84) Bytes Daten.
64 Bytes von ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=51 Zeit=23.9 ms
64 Bytes von ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=51 Zeit=22.8 ms
64 Bytes von ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=51 Zeit=26.5 ms
64 Bytes von ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=51 Zeit=26.6 ms

There are lists with public STUN Servers, but I don’t use any of them, so I can’t give you a recommendation…

You can install your own server: GitHub - coturn/coturn: coturn TURN server project

The 443 port of my public IP is disabled by the ISP (Internet Service Provider). So build a self-hosted TURN, may not be suitable for me

Coturn is running on port 3478 usually.

Very strange setup. If you don’t allow 443 to your public ip, what is it useful for?

Probably 22 or 53 is allowed, but there is no reason why 443 should be blocked.

There is always something strange inside some contry around this world.
such as 404 of google, facebook, and so on…
and the same for ports 80 and 443 of your public IP.

I see that CoTURN is running on 3478 from CoTURN Docker guide.

By the way, any one know what does the port 5349 in that docker used for?

I am expecting that all these ports (3478 and 5349) is able to be customized. Only in this way can the system still run normally when the ISP block port 3478.

If you want to use services on port 443 without port 443 at home you maybe can use CDN (e.g. Cloudflare) in front of your service. But probably not useful for stun only.

I can using port as 4443 or 43443, by change the port of that service, or just forwarding the port 4443 of my public ip to “port 443 of the service server” inside the NAT network.

My nextcloud server is inside NAT. Port forwarding is working fine for my Nextcloud service.
By forward 4443 of my public IP to the 443 port of my nextcloud server IP, I can visit my nextcloud through

So that, I am wondering if it is possible to simply forward these CoTURN ports.

It should be noted that if the CoTURN service tells the client to access his port 5349, but I have forwarded it to 5000 of my public IP, it should be to access 5000. In this case CoTURN will not work properly.

However, if we can modify the port inside CoTURN service, change that to 5000, then forward 5000 of public IP to the 5000 of local CoTURN service IP, it will works properly.

But so, what is the public ip useful for? Is it a static one, isn’t it?

it’s dynamic public IP. It changes every day

Now it is clear. Sure you can change the port, just edit /etc/turnserver.conf

sudo systemctl restart coturn.service

If you are working on ubuntu

and you are using dyndns right?

Yes. dyndns, dynamic public IP, port forward in side Router(forward WAN port 4443 to port 443 of local IP in LAN)

For TLS  

Thanks a lot for all of your help!

It is works fine for me in this way:
1, just start coturn docker as -p 3478:3478 -p 3478:3478/udp -p 5349:5349 -p 5349:5349/udp
2, forward another port of public Ip to the port 3478 in the sever which runs this docker.
3, just set the TURN in Nextcloud, to using the port of the public IP.
And then, have fun.

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