Cannot access WebUI

Back in January, I installed Nextcloud onto my Raspberry Pi 3, but whenever I tried to access nextcloudpi.local or nextcloudpi.local:4443, I got a 403 error immediately after clicking through the certificate warning. Tried adding nextcloudpi.local to trusted domains, same result.

I updated to the latest version of Nextcloud through the terminal, but I’m getting the same result. Then I tried accessing it via its IP address. I got a certificate warning, then the browser asked me for a username and password (I didn’t see nextcloud’s login page). I gave it the admin username & password (the only one that’s there), and got a 500 Internal Server Error.

NextcloudPi is currently at version 1.46.9

try, from a machine within the same network: https://your.local.server.ip:4443